Page Elements

The ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements namespace defines the page elements available when creating a Page in a Document. The PageElement class is the base class for all page elements. The page elements offered by DynamicPDF Core Suite are of the following general types:


The PageElement is the parent class for all page elements. This class has three properties inherited by all child classes. Child classes include classes for page elements, AcroForm elements, barcode elements, and charting elements. Refer to the API documentation for a complete list of all child classes.


Property Description
ID Gets or sets the ID of the page element.
IgnoreMargins Gets or sets ignore margin property. Setting false will consider the margin while placing the page element based on the RelativeTo property.
RelativeTo Gets and sets placement of the page element on the page.

As of v11, Page elements have a RelativeTo and IgnoreMargins property. By default, RelativeTo Is TopLeft while IgnoreMargins is False (the default behavior in previous versions). However, using the RelativeTo and IgnoreMargins properties, the default behavior can be changed to meet different needs. This flexibility is valuable when working with differing page sizes and customizing alignment.

Standard Page Elements

DynamicPDF Core Suite includes numerous standard page elements, including background images, labels, shapes, lists, and other page elements. Refer to the Standard Page Elements documentation topic for more information.

The HtmlArea page element renders HTML content within a specified PDF page area. With some limitations, it supports tags and properties based on HTML4.0.1 and CSS2.1 specifications. Refer to the HTML Area overview documentation for more information on the HTMLArea page element.

AcroForm Fields

DynamicPDF Core Suite includes the following AcroForm fields. Use these fields to create an interactive PDF form.

AcroForm Fields Usage
Button Adds an interactive button to a page.
CheckBox Adds a check box that toggles between two states, on and off to a page.
ComboBox Adds a combo box consisting of a drop list of items.
Choice fields (ListBox and ComboBox) Choice fields contain several text items; only one value may be selected at a time. They include scrollable list boxes and combo boxes.
RadioButton Adds a set of related toggles, one of which may be on at any given time.
Signature Adds a signature form field to a page.
TextField Add a text field presented as boxes or spaces that a user can enter text from the keyboard.

Refer to the Interactive Forms overview documentation topic for more information on creating AcroForms. Refer to the Reading Form Fields documentation topic for more information on merging PDF documents.

Chart Page Element

DynamicPDF Core Suite includes the Chart page element for creating charts in PDF documents. The Chart element supports six chart types. Each type of chart has numerous sub-types depending upon the data series used. The following table lists each type of chart and its relevant documentation.

Chart Type Usage
Area Chart Adds a polygon area with data that graphically displays quantitative data.
Bar Chart Adds a graph that represents data as rectangular bars.
Column Chart Adds a graph that represents data as rectangular bars where height is proportional to values represented.
Line Chart Adds a graph that represents data as a series of points connected by line segments.
Pie Chart Adds a circular polygon divided into "slices", where a slice illustrates numerical proportion of represented data.
XYScatter Chart Adds a graph that represents numbers as points on an XY coordinates.

For more information on charts, refer to the Charts Overview documentation.

Bar Code Page Elements

DynamicPDF Core Suite contains numerous bar coding page elements.

Refer to the Barcodes overview documentation for a complete listing of types of barcodes offered. Also, refer to the Barcode class API documentation for a complete listing of child classes.

Further Reading

For more information on the page elements described above, refer to the following topics.

Page Element Description
Barcodes Explains how to use barcodes in a document.
Formatted Text Area Formatting Includes details on the tags supported by the FormattedTextArea page element.
HTML Area Includes details on the tags supported by the HtmlArea Page Element.
Lists Includes details on how to use the List page element.
Tables Includes details on how to use the Table2 page element.
Text Continuation Explains how to span text over multiple columns or pages.
Charts These topics go into detail about the different types of charts and chart options.

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