Pie Chart
Pie charts use a circle to display information. The circle is divided into different parts depending on the data. Each part displays the related piece of information. Recall that you use a PieSeries to create a pie chart.
Figure 1. An example pie chart
The PieSeries is what creates a pie chart. To create a pie chart you first create a Chart instance, its PlotArea, and then the PieSeries.
Property | Description |
BorderColor | Gets or sets the Color object. |
BorderWidth | Gets or sets the BorderWidth of the PieSeries. |
DataLabel | Gets or sets the ScalarDataLabel object to use for the data label of the Pie series. This is the default data label for the series. |
DataLabelPosition | Gets or sets ScalarDataLabelPosition enumeration that specifies the display position of the data label. |
DrawBehindAxis | Gets or sets the position of the Series either below or above the axis. By default it is true. (Inherited from SeriesBase) |
Elements | Gets the PieSeriesElementList object contained in the PieSeries. |
Height | Gets the height of the PieSeries. |
Label | Gets or sets the SeriesLabel object to use for the name of the PieSeries. |
Legend | Gets or sets the Legend object of the PlotAreaElement. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement) |
PercentageFormat | Gets or sets the format to use for the percentage of the ScalarDataLabel object. |
PlotArea | Gets the PlotArea object of the PlotAreaElement. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement) |
Radius | Gets or sets the radius. |
StartAngle | Gets or sets the StartAngle. |
ValueFormat | Gets or sets the format to use for the value of the ScalarDataLabel object. |
Width | Gets the width. |
X | Gets the X coordinate. |
XOffset | Gets or sets the XOffset. |
Y | Gets the Y coordinate. |
YOffset | Gets or sets the YOffset. |
The following code illustrates creating a pie chart.
// Create a PDF Document
Document document = new Document();
// Create a Page and add it to the document
Page page = new Page(PageSize.A4, PageOrientation.Landscape);
// Create a chart
Chart chart = new Chart(0, 0, 700, 400);
// Add a plot area to the chart
PlotArea plotArea = chart.PlotAreas.Add(50, 50, 300, 300);
// Create the Header titles and add it to the chart
Title tTitle = new Title("Website Viewers (in millions)");
Title tTitle1 = new Title("Year 2007");
// Create autogradient colors
AutoGradient autogradient1 = new AutoGradient(90f, CmykColor.Red, CmykColor.IndianRed);
AutoGradient autogradient2 = new AutoGradient(90f, CmykColor.Green, CmykColor.YellowGreen);
AutoGradient autogradient3 = new AutoGradient(90f, CmykColor.Blue, CmykColor.LightBlue);
// Create a scalar datalabel
ScalarDataLabel da = new ScalarDataLabel(true, false, false);
// Create a pie series
PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries();
// Set scalar datalabel to the pie series
pieSeries.DataLabel = da;
// Add series to the plot area
//Add pie series elements to the pie series
pieSeries.Elements.Add(27, "Website A");
pieSeries.Elements.Add(19, "Website B");
pieSeries.Elements.Add(21, "Website C");
// Assign autogradient colors to series elements
pieSeries.Elements[0].Color = autogradient1;
pieSeries.Elements[1].Color = autogradient2;
pieSeries.Elements[2].Color = autogradient3;
// Add the chart to the page
// Save the pdf
' Create a PDF Document
Dim MyDocument As New Document()
' Create a Page and add it to the MyDocument
Dim MyPage As New Page(PageSize.A4, PageOrientation.Landscape)
' Create a MyChart
Dim MyChart = New Chart(0, 0, 700, 400)
' Add a plot area to the MyChart
Dim MyPlotArea As PlotArea = MyChart.PlotAreas.Add(50, 50, 300, 300)
' Create the Header titles and add it to the MyChart
Dim MytTitle As New Title("Website Viewers (in millions)")
Dim MytTitle1 As New Title("Year 2007")
' Create autogradient colors
Dim MyAutogradient1 As AutoGradient = New AutoGradient(90.0F, CmykColor.Red, CmykColor.IndianRed)
Dim MyAutogradient2 As AutoGradient = New AutoGradient(90.0F, CmykColor.Green, CmykColor.YellowGreen)
Dim MyAutogradient3 As AutoGradient = New AutoGradient(90.0F, CmykColor.Blue, CmykColor.LightBlue)
' Create a scalar datalabel
Dim Myda As ScalarDataLabel = New ScalarDataLabel(True, False, False)
' Create a pie series
Dim MyPieSeries As New PieSeries()
' Set scalar datalabel to the pie series
MyPieSeries.DataLabel = Myda
' Add series to the plot area
'Add pie series elements to the pie series
MyPieSeries.Elements.Add(27, "Website A")
MyPieSeries.Elements.Add(19, "Website B")
MyPieSeries.Elements.Add(21, "Website C")
' Assign autogradient colors to series elements
MyPieSeries.Elements(0).Color = MyAutogradient1
MyPieSeries.Elements(1).Color = MyAutogradient2
MyPieSeries.Elements(2).Color = MyAutogradient3
' Add the MyChart to the MyPage
' Save the pdf
Refer to the PieSeries API documentation for a complete example.