
The DynamicPDF Designer has the following layout elements that you use to graphically create PDF reports. Navigate to the documentation on any layout element for more information.

Layout Element Documentation
AztecBarcode AztecBarcode
ContentGroup ContentGroup
DataMatrixBarcode DataMatrixBarcode
FormattedRecordArea FormattedRecordArea
Image Image
Label Label
Line Line
LinearBarcode LinearBarcode
Link Link
NoSplitZone NoSplitZone
PageBreak PageBreak
PageNumberingLabel PageNumberingLabel
RecordArea RecordArea
RecordBox RecordBox
Rectangle Rectangle
SoftBreak SoftBreak
Subreport Subreport
Symbol Symbol


All Designer layout elements include a simple example in Github in the designer-usersguide-examples project. Refer to the designer folder in this project for all Designer examples.

After downloading the DLEX file and the JSON data, add it to your cloud storage space using the File Manager.

Project Name Folder Location
designer-usersguide-examples designer https://github.com/dynamicpdf-api/designer-usersguide-examples/tree/main

Layout Elements

Layout Element File Names Description
AztecBarcode aztec.json, aztec.dlex Illustrates using an AztecBarcode layout element.
ContentGroup grouping.dlex, grouping.json Illustrates using a ContentGroup layout element.
DataMatrixBarcode datamatrix.json, datamatrix.dlex Illustrates using a DataMatrixBarcode layout element.
FormattedRecordArea layoutelements.dlex, layoutelements.json Illustrates using a FormattedRecordArea layout element.
Image image_example.dlex, image_example.json Illustrates using an Image layout element in a report and on a page.
Label layoutelements.dlex, layoutelements.json Illustrates using a Label on a page.
Line layoutelements.dlex, layoutelements.json Illustrates using a Line on a page.
LinearBarcode linearbarcode-example.dlex, linearbarcode-example.json Illustrates using a LinearBarcode layout element with a UPC.
Link simpleurl.dlex, simpleurl.json Illustrates using a Link layout element in a report to create clickable URLs in a PDF.
NoSplitZone softbreaksubreport.dlex, softbreaksubreport.json Illustrates using a NoSplitZone layout element to format a report.
PageBreak pagebreak.dlex, pagebreak.json Illustrates adding a PageBreak layout element to a DLEX.
PageNumberingLabel softbreaksubreport.dlex, softbreaksubreport.json Illustrates using a PageNumberingLabel layout element on a report's footer.
RecordArea layoutelements.dlex, layoutelements.json Illustrates using a RecordArea layout element.
RecordBox layoutelements.dlex, layoutelements.json Illustrates using RecordBox layout element on a page and in a report.
Rectangle layoutelements.dlex, layoutelements.json Illustrates using Rectangle layout element by putting rectangles around other layout elements.
SoftBreak softbreaksubreport.dlex, softbreaksubreport.json Illustrates using a SoftBreak in a report containing a subreport. The soft break is between the top-level report's name and description.
Subreport softbreaksubreport.dlex, softbreaksubreport.json Illustrates using a Subreport in a report containing subreports.
Symbol layoutelements.dlex, layoutelements.json Illustrates using Symbol on a page and in a report's details.

In this topic