
DynamicPDF API has built-in support for the AztecBarcode layout element. An AztecBarcode layout element can be placed on a page or any report section.

Figure 1. AztecBarcode layout element.

Refer to designer-usersguide-examples for a GitHub example.

Add a AztecBarcode layout element to a report by right-clicking anywhere in a page or report and selecting Add Aztec Barcode from the context menu.

Figure 2. The Add Aztec Barcode option in the context menu adds a AztecBarcode.


Property Value Description
align center, left, right A value indicating if the alignment of the AztecBarcode.
color See Colors Users Guide topic. A value indicating the text color.
vAlign bottom, center, top The vertical alignment of the AztecBarcode.
value text The barcode value.
xDimension text A value indicating the X dimension.
id text A value indicating the programmatic identifier of the AztecBarcode.
angle numeric A value indicating the number of degrees to rotate the AztecBarcode.
height numeric A value indicating the height.
width numeric A value indicating the width.
x numeric A value indicating the X coordinate.
y numeric A value indicating the Y coordinate.

Dynamically Adding Barcode Value

Of course, Designer's true power lies in dynamically generated reports, and barcodes are no exception. The AztecBarcode layout element allows dynamically specifying the value property as a JSON data field name surrounded by pounds, for example, #upc#.

  "Coffees": [
      "ProductID": 568,
      "Type": "Arabica",
      "Variety": "Arusha",
      "Price": 7.33,
      "upc": "12345678901"

Figure 3. Adding an AztecBarcode layout element to a report.

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