Page Elements | |
Underlying Page Elements | | | |
Create PDF Documents | | | |
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Page Numbering Label | | | |
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Rectangle | | | |
Bookmark | | | |
Circle | | | |
Automatically Rotate Page Elements with Page's Rotate Value | | | |
Image | | | |
Background Image | | | |
Link | | | |
Path | | | |
Text Area | | | |
Html Area | | | |
Table | | | |
Table2(New Table with Improved Functionality) | | | |
Ordered Lists | | | |
Unordered Lists | | | |
Formatted Text Area (Limited HTML) | | | |
Transformation Group | | | |
Transparency Group | | | |
Anchor Group | | | |
Note | | | |
7 Acro Form Field Page Elements | | | |
47 Bar Code Page Elements | | | |
6 Chart Types | | | |
Custom Page Elements | | | |
Page element different placements | | | |
Bar Codes | |
Data Matrix Barcode | | | |
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MacroPDF417 | | | |
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Code 11 | | | |
Interleaved Code 2 of 5 | | | |
Codabar | | | |
EAN/JAN 13 | | | |
EAN/JAN 13 Supplement 2 | | | |
EAN/JAN 13 Supplement 5 | | | |
EAN 14/GTIN 14 | | | |
UPC Version A | | | |
UPC Version A Supplement 2 | | | |
UPC Version A Supplement 5 | | | |
EAN/JAN 8 | | | |
EAN/JAN 8 Supplement 2 | | | |
EAN/JAN 8 Supplement 5 | | | |
UPC Version E | | | |
UPC Version E Supplement 2 | | | |
UPC Version E Supplement 5 | | | |
ISBN | | | |
ISBN Supplement 2 | | | |
ISBN Supplement 5 | | | |
ISMN | | | |
ISMN Supplement 2 | | | |
ISMN Supplement 5 | | | |
ISSN | | | |
ISSN Supplement 2 | | | |
ISSN Supplement 5 | | | |
ITF 14 | | | |
IATA 2 of 5 | | | |
GS1 Databar (RSS) | | | |
Stacked GS1 | | | |
MSI Barcode (Modified Plessey) | | | |
RM4SCC(Royal Mail) Barcode | | | |
Australia Post | | | |
Deutsche Post Identcode | | | |
Deutsche Post Leitcode | | | |
Singapore Post | | | |
KIX (Dutch KIX, Royal TNT Post Kix) | | | |
Intelligent Mail Barcode | | | |
Postnet | | | |
Charts | |
Vector based Embedded Charts - No Images | | | |
Area | | | |
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Column | | | |
Line | | | |
Pie | | | |
Scatter | | | |
Acro Form Fields | |
Add Button Form Fields | | | |
Add Check box Form Fields | | | |
Add Combo box Form Fields | | | |
Add List box Form Fields | | | |
Add Radio Button Form Fields | | | |
Add Text Form Fields | | | |
Add Digital Signature Form Fields | | | |
Sign Multiple Signature Form Fields | | | |
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Goto Action | | | |
File Open Action | | | |
Import Form Data Action | | | |
Annotation Show Hide Action | | | |
Submit Action | | | |
Reset Action | | | |
URL Action | | | |
JavaScript Action | | | |
Document Level Javascript | | | |
Document Navigation | |
Outlines | | | |
Outline Styles | | | |
Outline Colors | | | |
URL Link | | | |
Zoom Page Destination | | | |
X Y Page Destination | | | |
Image Support | |
GIF | | | |
JPEG | | | |
JPEG 2000 | | | |
PNG | | | |
Interlaced PNG | | | |
TIFF | | | |
Multi-Page TIFF | | | |
TIFF To PDF Conversion | | | |
Transparent Images | | | |
Load From a File | | | |
Load From Byte Array | | | |
64 Bit Imaging | | | |
Table Support | |
Table Horizontal and Vertical Continuation | | | |
Automatic Cell Sizing | | | |
Table Border Formatting (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) | | | |
Cell Border Formatting (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) | | | |
Cell Padding Control (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) | | | |
Page Element in Cell | | | |
Image in Cell | | | |
Table in Cell | | | |
Formatted Text Area in Cell (Limited HTML) | | | |
Table Continuation/Flowing | | | |
Font and Text Support | |
Font/Text Metrics | | | |
Font Families | | | |
14 Core PDF Fonts | | | |
6 Encoding for Core PDF Fonts | | | |
7 CJK Fonts From the Asian Font Pack | | | |
Unicode | | | |
OpenType (Including TrueType) Fonts | | | |
Type 1 Fonts | | | |
Web Fonts (WOFF, version 1.0) | | | |
True Type Font Collections | | | |
Font Sharing (TrueType and Type0) | | | |
Font Embedding Options (Fully, Sub-Set or None) | | | |
Character Shaping | | | |
Right To Left Text | | | |
Text Rotation | | | |
Font Kerning | | | |
Font Tracking | | | |
Display Font Outlines (Works as per page element license) | | | |
List Support | |
List Continuation | | | |
Mix Ordered and Unordered Lists | | | |
Unlimited Sub List Nesting | | | |
Color Support | |
Gradients | | | |
Automatic Gradients with Angle | | | |
Spot Colors | | | |
Web Colors | | | |
RGB Colors | | | |
CMYK Colors | | | |
Grayscales | | | |
Over 140 Predefined Colors | | | |
16 Bit Precision Per Component | | | |
Prepress Support | |
PDF/X-1a | | | |
PDF/X-3 | | | |
Output Intents | | | |
ICC Profiles | | | |
Archiving | |
PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-1b | | | |
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PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b and PDF/A-3u | | | |
PDF/A XMP Schema | | | |
PDF Tagging (Logical Structure) | | | |
Full OpenType or Type1 Font Embedding | | | |
Output Intents | | | |
ICC Profiles | | | |
Security and Encryption Support | |
Digital Signatures (Visible or Non-Visible) | | | |
Initialize Certificates from Store or File | | | |
User and Owner Passwords | | | |
RC4 40-Bit Encryption | | | |
RC4 128-Bit Encryption | | | |
AES 128-Bit Encryption | | | |
AES 256-Bit Encryption | | | |
Up to 8 User Access Permissions | | | |
Supports Leaving Metadata Unencrypted | | | |
Ability to Encrypt Only File Attachments | | | |
Document Templates and Sections | |
Break Document Into Sections | | | |
Document Templates | | | |
Section Templates | | | |
Stamping Templates | | | |
Even/Odd Templates | | | |
Page And Section Labeling | | | |
Header Footer Template | | | |
Events | |
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Form Field | | | |
Other Features | |
Linearization (Fast Web View) | | | |
PDF Tagging (Logical Structure) | | | |
File Embedding | | | |
Automatic Stream Compression | | | |
Page Numbering (Roman, Arabic, and Letter Numbering) | | | |
Output To a File | | | |
Output To a Byte Array | | | |
Output To Any object | | | |
Output To a javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream object | | | |
Force File Download Support | | | |
XMP Metadata | | | |
Document Optimization | | | |
Document Custom Properties | | | |
Package PDF’s (Portfolio) | | | |
Image Watermark | | | |
Text Watermark | | | |