Version 11.0 (Latest Build v11.06)
   New Features
  • Added support to validate the Digital Signatures present in a PDF. (v11.05)
  • Supports merging PDFs with invalid xref positions. (v11.04)
  • Supports setting appearance properties to overflow tables. (v11.04)
  • Added font sharing for TrueType and Type0 fonts (Enable font sharing on demand). (v11.01)
  • Added support to Interlaced PNG. (v11.01)
  • Added support for true type collection (TTC) fonts. (v11.01)
  • Added the ability to set Author to a Note annotation. (v11.01)
  • Added the ability to get the information of fonts present in a PDF. (v11.01)
  • Added Support to generate PDFs with PDF/UA compliance. (v11.01)
  • Supports generating or merging PDF documents of size upto 9.3GB. (v11.01)
  • Enhanced support for modifying the page size of an existing page. (v11.01)
  • Added Ability to auto rotate page elements with a page's rotate value. (v11.01)
  • Added support to use WOFF version 1 & 2 fonts. (v11.01)
  • Page element placement can now be relative to different locations on a page. (v11.01)
  • Added the ability to find whether the fonts present in a PDF are embedded. (v11.01)
  • Added the ability to retrieve custom properties from an existing PDF. (v11.01)
  • Combined PageDimentions and ExtendedPageDimensions into AutoPageDimensions for simplified usage. (v11.01)
  • Added the ability to get the Pixel format of an image from an existing PDF. (v11.01)
  • Supports multiple digital signatures. (v11.01)
  • Ability to retrieve text or comments from Note annotation. (v11.01)
  • Supports XRef Streams in PDF except for linearized PDFs. (v11.01)
  • Supports merging PDFs having ASCIIHexEncode encoded content stream. (v11.01)
  • Added the ability to detect if the PDF has dynamic XFA form. (v11.01)
   Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while merging and optimizing a specific PDF document. (v11.06)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException that occurs when merging a specific PDF with Logical Structure. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a NumberFormatException that occurs when extracting text from a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a ClassCastException that occurs when extracting text from a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException that occurs when extracting text from a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with image extraction that causes a change in backgroud and text colouring in the image. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an error (Maximum Integer Value Exceeded) that occurs when merging a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that causes missing text in HtmlArea when using a
  • tag. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with rendering a table in the HtmlArea. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with positioning the label using the CreateLabel method of the form fields. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with table cell border placement in HtmlArea (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with line breaks when using some TTF font files. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that causes the "Stream can not be drawn" error when merging a specific PDF document multiple times. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that hangs the application when using border-collapse and column-span to zero in HtmlArea. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with the font size of the numbering in an ordered list. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with XYScatterSeries in placing the marker when there is only one value. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with setting font to the numbering of a list in HtmlArea. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with Opacity in ImageWatermark. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that causes an error when opening a PDF created from a Tiff file in Adobe Reader. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that occurs when creating a PDF using a specific Tiff image. (v11.04)
  • Updated error messages that occur when using invalid Web fonts. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException that occurs when merging a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with embedding a specified font present in the HTML source. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with unordered list in the HtmlArea. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with writing About and CreatorTool meta data. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue in HtmlArea that causes an infinite loop when used with relative size (em) units. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an IndexOutOfRangeException that occurs while optimizing a specific PDF. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that occurs while trying to get the original page number of a form field. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that occurs when loading fonts. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException caused when creating a PDF using HtmlArea. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with flattening and setting the rotation to a page. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an OutOfMemoryException caused when using HtmlLayout. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that causes missing images when using HtmlLayout. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException caused when creating a PDF using HtmlLayout. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a ClassCastException that occurs when creating a PDF using imported data and DocumentOptimization. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a ClassCastException that occurs when merging a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with creating a PDF from a specific Tiff file. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a ClassCastException that occurs when extracting text from a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with EmbeddedFile names dictionary values. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with adding Imported Page Contents to a PDF that causes syntax errors in Pre-flight check. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with setting ColSpan/RowSpan to StructureElement that causes issues in Accessebility check in Acrobat. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that causes loss of transparency when a Tiff image is added to the PDF. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a NumberFormatException that occurs when extracting text from a PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that returns an empty string for the export value of a combobox. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that adds un-searchable text when using both TTF/OTF with Security feature. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that occurs when merging a specific PDF. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that hangs the application when extracting the attachments from a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with TextWatermark position. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException that occurs when creating PDF from a specific Tiff image. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with CSS font in inline tags. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an "Invalid PDF Object Type" error when merging a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that causes an error when opening a PDF created from a Tiff file in Adobe Reader. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with LineStyle that causes to have same linestyle when used with Rectangle and a Label. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with repeated

    tags under when table has overflow row with ColumnHeaderCount property is set. (v11.04)

  • Fixed an issue with the Table tag when there is overflow tables in multiple pages. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with tagging the overflow header cells. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException that occurs when setting appearance properties for an overflow table. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue that causes distorted image after converting Tiff to PDF. (v11.04)
  • Updated the alignment of multiline X-Axis labels to center by default. (v11.04)
  • Fixed a rendering issue with unordered list bullets. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an IndexOutOfRangeException that occurs when converting Tiff to PDF. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with generating PDF from Tiff that causes the reader to show an error message "Insufficient data for an image". (v11.04)
  • Fixed an IndexOutOfRangeException when calling the getText method. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with getText method that returns unreadable text when using a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an IndexOutOfRangeException when merging a specific PDF document. (v11.04)
  • The BackgroundImage is added ignoring page margins (like v10 behavior). (v11.04)
  • Fixed a NullReferenceException when merging a specific PDF. (v11.04)
  • Fixed an issue with rendering a newline character. (v11.03)
  • HtmlArea fails to wrap text to the next line and instead the text is chopped also fails to render the last paragraph completely. (v11.02)
  • Text missing issues inTable2, Label and TextArea and also Table2 fails to render the new line character. (v11.02)

v11 is compatible with v10. All code written against v10 will compile against v11 but you will receive compiler warnings when using any depreciated items until they are changed.

   Version 10.0 (Latest Build v10.12)
   New Features
  • HTML Layout with header and footer (v10.10)
  • PageNumberingLabel now supports padding with zeros. (v10.00)
  • Added HTML Area (HTML v4.0 & CSS v2.1) page element. (v10.00)
  • Image ICC profiles now embedded in PDFs. (v10.00)
  • Added actions for form fields, document and pages. (v10.00)
  • Support for creating package PDFs. (v10.00)
  • Template to add headers and footers. (v10.00)
  • Added PDF stamping/watermarking page element. (v10.00)
  • Added Australia Post barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added Code 93 & Extended Code 93 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added Deutsche Post Identcode barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added Deutsche Post Leitcode barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added EAN 14/GTIN-14 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added IATA 2 of 5 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISBN barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISBN Supplement 2 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISBN Supplement 5 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISMN barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISMN Supplement 2 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISMN Supplement 5 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISSN barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISSN Supplement 2 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ISSN Supplement 5 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added ITF 14 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added KIX (Dutch KIX, Royal TNT Post Kix) barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added Singapore Post barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added Aztec barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added GS1 Databar (RSS) barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added Code 11 barcode. (v10.00)
  • Added support for extended character set in Code 39. (v10.00)
  • Extract files from PDF with attachments. (v10.00)
  • Added support to merge Protfolio PDFs. (v10.00)
  • Added support to read and update XMP metadata. (v10.00)
  • XFA static form filling. (v10.00)
  • Added the ability to retrieve all available items in a list box or choice acro form field. (v10.00)
   Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that causes an error while resaving the output PDF in Adobe Reader. (v10.12)
  • Fixed an issue that causes random missing text in HtmlArea. (v10.12)
  • Optimized the HtmlArea (v10.12)
  • Fixed an issue with merger that causes missing text with a specific PDF. (v10.11)
  • Fixed an OutOfMemoryException that occurs when creating PDFs using HtmlArea. (v10.11)
  • Fixed an issue with page breaks in HtmlArea. (v10.11)
  • Fixed a few issues with formatting in HtmlArea. (v10.11)
  • Fixed an issue with checkbox display in HtmlArea. (v10.11)
  • Fixed an issue with text overlapping in HtmlArea. (v10.11)
  • Fixed an issue with missing table borders in HtmlArea. (v10.11)
  • Fixed an issue with line gaps in paragraphs in the HtmlArea. (v10.11)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException exception that occurs when using HtmlArea. (v10.11)
  • Fixed an IndexOutOfBoundsException in HtmlArea (v10.10)
  • Fixed an issue where some overflow HtmlAreas were not being laid out correctly (v10.10)
  • Fixed an issue with the text line spacing in the HtmlArea. (v10.10)
  • Fixed an issue with displaying the HTML Entities using the HtmlArea page element. (v10.10)
  • Fixed an issue with HtmlArea that causes wrong height when "float: right;" is used in CSS. (v10.10)
  • Fixed an issue with adding HtmlArea overflow text when using along with GetRequiredHeight method. (v10.10)
  • Optimized the HtmlArea (v10.10)
  • Fixed an issue with the getRequiredHeight() method caused when HtmlArea is having elements with float CSS style. (v10.09)
  • Fixed an issue with the getRequiredHeight() that causes the overflow text not to be added in HtmlArea. (v10.09)
  • Fixed an issue that invalidates the output PDF for PDF/1-a compliance in Acrobat PRO DC. (v10.08)
  • Fixed an issue with Generator which is giving corrupt PDF output in some specific case. (v10.07)
  • Fixed an issue with word wrapping in HtmlArea. (v10.06)
  • Fixed an issue that adds an extra space between different font style (bold, italic and regular) texts in HtmlArea. (v10.06)
  • Fixed a ClassCastException caused when merging a specific PDF. (v10.06)
  • Fixed an issue with setting the font style for an unordered list element in HtmlArea. (v10.05)
  • Fixed a ClassCastException caused when merging a specific PDF. (v10.05)
  • Fixed an issue with line gaps in an unordered list element used in HtmlArea. (v10.05)
  • Fixed a ClassCastException when merging a specific PDF. (v10.04)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException caused by an inline image(base64 image data) used with HtmlArea. (v10.04)
  • Overall performance improvements. (v10.04)
  • Fixed a ClassCastException when merging a specific PDF. (v10.03)
  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when merging a specific PDF. (v10.03)
  • ParseException while merging some Portfolio PDFs is resolved. (v10.02)
  • Fixed an issue with getting attachments from an existing PDF document. (v10.01)
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while adding a specific JPEG image to the PDF is resolved. (v10.01)
  • Latest bug fixes and performance improvements. (v10.00)

v10 is compatible with v8. However, most of the depreciated classes/methods in the previous versions have been removed in v10. All code written against v8 will compile against v10 but you will receive compiler warnings when using any depreciated items until they are changed. Listed below are the items that were deprecated in v7.x and these classes/methods are no longer available in v10 and their suggested replacements, and the newly depreciated method details are provided below:

  • StandardSecurity Class - Use RC440Security instead. (v10.00)
  • HighSecurity Class - Use RC4128Security instead. (v10.00)
  • MacroPdf417.getFileId() method has been removed. (v10.00)
  • RightsManagementSchema.getMarked() & setMarked() methods – Use RightsManagementSchema.getMarked2() & setMarked2() instead. (v10.00)
  • setDefaultPdfFormat(), getDefaultPdfFormat(), getDefaultPdfVersion() & setDefaultPdfVersion methods of the Document class - Use setDefaultOutputPdfFormat(), getDefaultOutputPdfFormat(), getDefaultOutputPdfVersion() & setDefaultOutputPdfVersion() methods of the Globalsettings class instead. (v10.00)
   Version 8.0 (Latest Build v8.0.4.37478)
   New Features
  • New method getMaximumLabelWidth is added for AxisLabelList class that allows the user to specify a maximum label width beyond which the label text would wrap. (v8.0.4)
  • New method getPixelsPerXDimension is added for all barcode classes that allow the user to adjust the resolution of the barcodes. (v8.0.3)
  • New methods getRelation, setRelation, getMimeType and setMimeType are added to EmbeddedFile class. (v8.0.2)
  • New methods getVisibleStartRow, setVisibleStartRow, getVisibleStartColumn and setVisibleStartColumn are added to Table2 class. (v8.0.1)
  • Support for MSI (Modified Plessey) barcode. (v8.0.0)
  • RM4SCC (Royal Mail) barcode. (v8.0.0)
  • Custom document properties. (v8.0.0)
  • PDF/A-2 support. (v8.0.0)
  • PDF/A-3 support. (v8.0.0)
  • Document optimization - share image data. (v8.0.0)
  • Strikethrough text for TextArea and Label. (v8.0.0)
  • Enhanced font rendering - ability to display font outlines for TextAreas, Labels and Lists. (v8.0.0)
  • Ability to create PDF without OpenAction entry. (v8.0.0)
  • Overall performance improvements. (v8.0.0)
  • Document encryption verification. (v8.0.0)
  • Improved form flattening - flatten individual form fields. (v8.0.0)
  • Remove form fields. (v8.0.0)
  • Document optimization - removes duplicate image data. (v8.0.0)
  • Enhanced font rendering - ability to display font outlines for RecordBox, RecordArea and LayoutTextArea. (v8.0.0)
  • Document optimization - share image data. (v8.0.0)
   Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that is causing Microsoft Edge to display the PDF (flattened and secured) incorrectly. (v8.0.4 Build 37478)
  • Fixed an issue where Radiobutton added to the PDF is being detected as Checkbox. (v8.0.4 Build 36694)
  • An issue where page numbering prefix is not correctly added by PageNumberingLabel class is resolved. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Fixed an issue where adding AttributeObject to Table2 is removing all tags. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Cell2 padding issue resolved that causes the text to add incorrectly in the cell. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Text wrapping of x and y-axis labels of IndexedBarSeries can be specified by setting MaximumLabelWidth property. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Resolved an issue where the color of the check box is not getting set correctly. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Fixed an issue where adding images without file extension is causing an error. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • A pie chart issue border width issue fixed. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Fixed an issue where filling certain form fields is displaying + sign in the form field when the PDF is viewed. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Resolved a text alignment issue that happens after filling a form field. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Couple of NullPointerExceptions while merging specific PDFs is fixed. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Several SAXParseExceptions while merging specific PDFs are fixed. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while merging PDFs is resolved. (v8.0.4 Build 34475)
  • Fixed an issue where new page elements added to the existing tagged PDF are not tagged. (v8.0.3 Build 33117)
  • JVM crash issue is resolved. (v8.0.3 Build 32956)
  • Fixed an issue with IndexedLineSeries and DateTimeLineSeries. (v8.0.3 Build 32956)
  • An issue with setting security and tagging has been fixed. (v8.0.3 Build 32956)
  • Issue with adding ImportedPageArea to the cell through AreaGroup is resolved. (v8.0.3 Build 32956)
  • Fixed a memory issue with form flattening. (v8.0.3 Build 32956)
  • Several exceptions while merging certain PDFs are fixed. (v8.0.3 Build 32956)
  • Exception while adding an empty table is fixed. (v8.0.2 Build 32739)
  • Fixed an issue where the output PDF is not released after unsuccessful save. (v8.0.2 Build 32739)
  • Resolved issues with MSI, Pdf417 and MacroPdf417 barcodes. (v8.0.2 Build 32739)
  • In a pie chart, label will not be displayed for values of zero. (v8.0.2 Build 32739)
  • Issue with creating PDF out of Tiff images is resolved. (v8.0.2 Build 32739)
  • Several barcode related issue have been fixed. (v8.0.2 Build 32739)
  • Fixed an issue where form flattening causes the export value of drop-down to display instead of the actual value. (v8.0.2 Build 32739)
  • NullPointerExceptions while extracting text from a PDF is resolved. (v8.0.2 Build 32739)
  • ClassCastException while merging certain PDFs has been fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Several NullPointerException while calling getTargetPageNumber() for certain PDFs has been fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Several text extraction issues are fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Stackoverflow exception while merging PDFs has been resolved. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • ArrayIndexOutofBounds exception while importing certain PDFs is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Output PDF rendering issue in FireFox browser is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Resolved an error while setting multi-select ListBox to read-only. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • An issue with adding micr.ttf font has been resolved. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • IndexOutofBounds exception while converting a TIFF to PDF is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Fixed a bar chart issue. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Resolved an issue where FormattedTextArea is rendering incorrect text. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Fixed a couple of Table2 bugs. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • GeneratorException while creating PDF/A document is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 32102)
  • Resolved an issue with wrapping text after hyphen symbol in FormattedTextArea. (v8.0.1 Build 31297)
  • Fixed an issue where null reference exception is thrown while extracting text for certain pdfs. (v8.0.1 Build 31297)
  • File size of the DynamicPDF jar increased due to additional resources being embedded. (v8.0.1 Build 31297)
  • PdfParsingException while merging PDFs is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Fixed an issue where the target page numbers from the outline are incorrect. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • NullPointerException while extracting text for certain PDFs has been resolved. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Fixed an issue where merging certain PDFs produces a corrupt output PDF. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while merging specific PDFs is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Resolved an issue where with retrieving incorrect export values of Checkbox form fields. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • InvalidCastException while merging specific PDF is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • NullPointerExceptions while merging specific PDFs is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Several ClassCastExceptions while merging PDF document were fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Table2 issue where the last two row data is missing has been fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Fixed an issue with the setText() method of FormattedTextArea class. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Resolved an issue that produces an invalid output PDF after adding a radio button field. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Issue with HasOverflowRows method of Table2 page element is fixed. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Incorrect positioning of DataLabels on Column Chart is resolved. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Fixed an issue where addingFormattedTextArea is failing accessibility checks. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Resolved several TIFF to PDF conversion issues. (v8.0.1 Build 31010)
  • Initial product release. (v8.0.0 Build 29386)
  • Invisbile form fields are not tagged. (v8.0.0 Build 29386)
  • Document version is replaced with catalog version if it is higher, otherwise catalog version is removed while merging the PDF. (v8.0.0 Build 29386)
  • Updated help documentation. (v8.0.0 Build 29386)

v8 is compatible with v7. However, it contains some depreciated classes, methods and properties. All code written against v7 will compile with v8 but there may be some compiler warnings due to depreciated items that may need to be resolved. Here is a list of the depreciated items in v8 and suggested resolution:

  • FormFlatteningOptions class - Use FormOutput enum instead. (v8.0.0)
  • Document.getFormFlattening() - Use Document.getForm().getOutput() instead. (v8.0.0)
  • Document.setFormFlattening() - Use Document.getForm().setOutput() instead. (v8.0.0)
  • SignatureFieldFlatteningOptions enum - Flattening individual form fields is now supported so use FormFieldOutput enum instead. (v8.0.0)
  • FormFieldFlags, PdfFormField.getFlags() and FormField.getFlags() has been depreciated. Use relevant flag name properties present on the PdfFormField class. (v8.0.0)
  • SignaturePanel.getKeepImagePropotional() - Use SignaturePanel.getKeepImageProportional() instead. (v8.0.0)
  • XYDataLabel.getSeperator() and XYDataLabel.setSeperator()- Use XYDataLabel.getSeparator() and XYDataLabel.setSeparator() instead. (v8.0.0)
   Version 7.0 (Latest Build v7.0.2.29134)
   New Features
  • FileID property of MacroPDF417 class supports an integer array of base 900 numbers. (v7.0.3)
  • Support for reading default values of form fields. (v7.0.2)
  • Simple merging PDFs preserves PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-1b compatibility. (v7.0.2)
  • Ability to read default values from Acro form fields on an existing PDF document. (v7.0.2)
  • Support for AES 128 and 256 bit encrypted PDFs. (v7.0.1)
  • Support for RC4 128 bit encrypted PDFs with Crypt filter. (v7.0.1)
  • Support for QR Code (2D-barcode). (v7.0.0)
  • Improved pie chart data label placement. (v7.0.0)
  • Improved barcode creation (reduced PDF file size). (v7.0.0)
  • Document and page level text extraction. (v7.0.0)
  • Improved form flattening - flatten all form fields on the document with single line of code. (v7.0.0)
  • Improved support for decrypting secured PDFs - decrypt PDFs encrypted with encryption filters. (v7.0.0)
  • Ability to dynamically set templates for fixed pages. (v7.0.0)
   Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where adding AltText to an image is triggering watermark for Professional edition. (v7.0.2 Build 29134)
  • Several ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions and ClassCastExceptions while merging certain PDFs have been fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • SAXParseException while merging PDF document is resolved. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Fixed an issue where the form field values shift after flattening. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • NullPointerExceptions while merging specific PDFs are fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Several ClassCastExceptions while merging PDF document were fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Fixed bug where incorrect form field flag was being returned. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Resolved a tab order issue while merging PDFs. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Table cell splitting and overflowing issue is fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Fixed a bug where flattening the form causes the export value to display in drop-down box instead of the actual value. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Resolved the extra space issue in extracted text. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Fixed the missing text issue during text extraction. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Several MacroPdf417 barcode issues have been resolved. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Width and height issue of DataMatrixBarcode has been fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Issue with adding ImportedPageArea to a Table2 cell is resolved. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Fixed an issue where single parenthesis in StructureElement’s AltText property produces an Invalid PDF. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Resolved an issue with security and tagging. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while setting page numbering to a section is fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Fixed an issue with combo box item not displayed correctly in the PDF/A document. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • An issue with OrderList item text getting cropped while tagging is resolved. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • FormattedTextArea issue where the text is not getting added correctly has been resolved. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Fixed a bug in Image page elements where insufficient data for image error is thrown when the PDF is opened in a PDF reader. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Fixed a bug in Image page elements where insufficient data for image error is thrown when the PDF is opened in a PDF reader. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Table2 issue where splitting the cell contents and applying row span is fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Incorrect table overflow for PDF/A documents is resolved. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Line join issue in DateTimeLineSeries is fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 28273)
  • Resolved an issue with tag preservation when multiple tagged PDF documents are merged. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • Resolved an issue where the form field values shift after the form is flattened. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • NegativeArraySizeException while extracting text is fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • EmptyDocumentException at Draw method of MergeDocument class is fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • Fixed an issue where a single parenthesis in the AltText property of the StructureElement class is causing an error. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while setting page numbering to section of the Document was fixed. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • Resolved an issue with the Pdf417 barcode. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • Fixed the issue with security and tagging. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • Invalid PDF Object Type error while merging PDF document was resolved. (v7.0.2 Build 24696)
  • An issue with text extraction has been resolved. (v7.0.1 Build 24297)
  • Fixed an issue where empty document exception has been thrown. (v7.0.1 Build 24297)
  • Issue with tag order preservation has been fixed. (v7.0.1 Build 24297)
  • Stackoverflow error has been resolved while setting the linearization. (v7.0.1 Build 24297)
  • IndexOutofBounds exception has been resolved while converting a specific TIFF to PDF. (v7.0.1 Build 24297)
  • Resolved an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception while merging certain PDFs. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • Fixed an issue with ImportePageArea adding an extra margin to the PDF. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • Fixed ClassCastException while merging some PDFs. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • NullPointerException while merging PDFs is resolved. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • An issue where flattening the form causes the text to get truncated is resolved. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • StringIndexOutofBounds exception while flattening certain PDFs has been resolved. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • Issue with using linearization and security together has been resolved. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • OutOfMemoryError Exception when merging several large PDFs. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • An issue with setting an element as artifact is fixed. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception when retrieving visible height of Table2 is resolved. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • Fixed an issue where special characters in metadata is causing the PDF/A conformance to fail. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • Tagging can be turned off by setting Tag property to null. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • Fixed an exception when adding subscript or superscript tags in FormattedTextArea. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • TextArea alignment issue when kerning is applied has been resolved. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException while adding tiff image to PDF. (v7.0.1 Build 23618)
  • Initial product release. (v7.0.0 Build 22141)

v7 is compatible with v6. However, it contains some depreciated classes, methods and properties. All code written against v6 will compile with v7 but there may be some compiler warnings due to depreciated items that may need to be resolved. Here is a list of the depreciated items in v7 and suggested resolution:

  • MacroPdf417.getFileId() is depreciated. New method MacroPdf417.setFileID is added. (v7.0.2)
  • StandardSecurity class is depreciated - Use RC440Security instead. (v7.0.0)
  • HighSecurity class is depreciated - Use RC4128Security instead. (v7.0.0)
  • RightsManagementSchema.getMarked and setMarked are depreciated – Use RightsManagementSchema.getMarked2 and setMarked2 instead. (v7.0.0)
  • ExtendedPageDimensions.mediaBox, artBox, bleedBox and trimBox fields are depreciated - Use ExtendedPageDimensions.getMediaBox(), getArtBox(), getBleedBox() and getTrimBox() methods instead. (v7.0.0)
   Version 6.0 (Latest Build v6.0.4.24353)
   New Features
  • Data Matrix Barcode Support. (v6.0.0)
  • New Table Object now has Individual Cell Formatting (including individual top, bottom, left and right cell border formatting). (v6.0.0)
  • Tagged PDF Structure. (v6.0.0)
  • Full PDF-A support (PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-1b). (v6.0.0)
  • Charting - additional options for data label placement. (v6.0.0)
  • Charting - additional options for legend placement. (v6.0.0)
  • Appearance Streams for Form Fields (for any reader that does not correctly create them). (v6.0.0)
  • Ability to read form field font information. (v6.0.0)
   Bug Fixes
  • Several exceptions relating to importing specific PDFs are fixed. (v6.0.4 Build 24353)
  • Support for article PDFs has been added. (v6.0.4 Build 24353)
  • Fixed an issue with Postnet barcode loosing its last character. (v6.0.4 Build 24353)
  • Several PDF linearization issues have been fixed. (v6.0.4 Build 24353)
  • Several Table2 issues were fixed. (v6.0.4 Build 24353)
  • Resolved several null pointer and class cast exceptions while reading in specific PDF documents. (v6.0.1 Build 18767)
  • Fixed an issue where merging certain PDF documents is not preserving the links. (v6.0.1 Build 18767)
  • Stack overflow exception while filling a PDF is resolved. (v6.0.1 Build 18767)
  • Fixed an issue where setting the PdfFormat to Linearized is rendering the digital signature invalid. (v6.0.1 Build 18767)
  • Resolved an issue with the TextArea overflow method. (v6.0.1 Build 18767)
  • Fixed several issues in Table2 class. (v6.0.1 Build 18767)
  • Resolved an issue with adding CheckBox field where the export values are being added with space. (v6.0.1 Build 18767)
  • Fixed a page dimension issue where the TrimBox values are not being returned correctly. (v6.0.1 Build 18767)
  • Fixed an issue with licensing. (v6.0.1 Build 18382)
  • Updated help documentation. (v6.0.1 Build 18382)
  • Initial product release. (v6.0.0 Build 17549)

v6 is compatible with v5. However, it contains some depreciated classes, methods and properties. All code written against v5 will compile with v6 but there may be some compiler warnings due to depreciated items that may need to be resolved. Here is a list of the depreciated items in v6 and suggested resolution:

  • ListBox.Count property – Use ListBox.Items.Count instead. (v6.0.0)
  • All getSize() and getCount() methods - Use size() instead. (v6.0.0)
  • PageList.append() method - use PageList.add() instead. (v6.0.0)
  • Table class – Use Table2 class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • Cell class – Use Cell2 class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • CellList class – Use CellList2 class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • Column class – Use Column2 class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • ColumnList class – Use ColumnList2 class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • Row class – Use Row2 class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • RowList class – Use RowList2 class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • XAxisLabelLocation class – Use XAxisLabelPosition class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • XAxisTitleLocation class – Use XAxisTitlePosition class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • YAxisLabelLocation class – Use YAxisLabelPosition class instead. (v6.0.0)
  • YAxisTitleLocation class – Use YAxisTitlePosition class instead. (v6.0.0)
   Version 5.0 (Latest Build v5.0.1.12733)
   New Features
  • New charting page elements - Area Charts, Bar Charts, Column Charts, Line Charts, Pie Charts, Scatter Charts. (v5.0.0)
  • Open Type Fonts Support. (v5.0.0)
  • Font Kerning and Tracking (v5.0.0)
  • Font Embedding Options (Full, Subset, None). (v5.0.0)
  • Digital Signatures. (v5.0.0)
  • PDF/A-1b. (v5.0.0)
  • Add Embedded Files. (v5.0.0)
   Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with merging multiple documents containing layers (optional content). (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Added new exception classes and improved error handling when merging corrupt PDFs and PDFs with password security (encryption). (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Resolved issue with merging PDF documents with Long XRefStream Dictionary. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Added support for reading outlines from an imported PDF. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Added additional support for PDFs with corrupt end of file markers. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Resolved issue with text wrapping for text fields. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Resolved a seldom encountered issue with parsing PDFs. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Updated help documentation. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Enhanced AutoGradient support for straight vertical and horizontal lines and Bezier curves. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Enhanced support for TIFF images with preblended transparency values. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Fixed an issue with using Open Type fonts. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Fixed an issue with charts with no legends. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Fixed an issue with using the LegendLabel.Text property. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Fixed a BMP Image issue that caused an image to appear inverted on rare occasion. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Fixed an issue with using negative angles for axis labels. (v5.0.1 Build 12733)
  • Initial product release. (v5.0.0 Build 12348)

v5 is compatible with v4. However, it contains some depreciated classes, methods and properties. All code written against v4 will compile with v5 but there may be some compiler warnings due to depreciated items that may need to be resolved. Here is a list of the depreciated items in v5 and suggested resolution:

  • Document.getPrepress() method - Use Document.getOutputIntents() or Document.getPdfXVersion() instead. (v5.0.0)
  • MergeOptions.getPrepress() method – Use MergeOptions.getOutputIntent() instead. (v5.0.0)
  • MergeOptions.setPrepress() method – Use MergeOptions.setOutputIntent(boolean) instead. (v5.0.0)
  • TrueTypeFont class – Use OpenTypeFont class instead. (v5.0.0)
  • BasicSchema.setCreatorDate() and BasicSchema.getCreatorDate() are deprecated. Creator date will be set to the default creation time of the document. (v5.0.0)
  • AreaDimensions.edge - Use getEdge() instead. (v5.0.0)
  • AreaDimensions.body - Use getBody() instead. (v5.0.0)
   Version 4.0 (Latest Build v4.0.3.70511)
   New Features
  • Linearize (fast web-view) PDF documents. (v4.0.0)
  • 15 flexible merge options. (v4.0.0)
  • Preserve Annotations. (v4.0.0)
  • Preserve Bookmarks. (v4.0.0)
  • Reorganize Bookmarks. (v4.0.0)
  • Preserve document level JavaScript. (v4.0.0)
  • Mix imported and new interactive form fields. (v4.0.0)
  • Improved memory and buffer management. (v4.0.0)
  • JavaScript - JavaScript Actions and Document JavaScript. (v4.0.0)
  • Prepress - PDF/X-1a and other PDF/X versions, ICC Profiles, Spot Colors and Gradients. (v4.0.0)
  • Form Fields - Textboxes, Buttons (Submit, Pushbutton, Reset, etc.), Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Listboxes, Comboboxes. (v4.0.0)
  • Ordered and Unordered Lists Page Elements. (v4.0.0)
  • PDF417 and MacroPDF417 with continuation to multiple symbols. (v4.0.0)
  • XMP Metadata - Basic, Dublin Core, Paged Text, Rights Management, Basic Job Ticket and Custom Schemas. (v4.0.0)
  • Stamp Template - Document and section stamp templates with even and odd page options. (v4.0.0)
  • AnchorGroup class - Dock to edges or margins of page. (v4.0.0)
  • Table Enhancements - Row Span and Multiple header rows and header columns. (v4.0.0)
   Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a seldom encountered issue with page elements on a template affecting the page of a merged document. (v4.0.3 Build 70511)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered issue with parsing PDF v1.6 cross reference streams. (v4.0.3 Build 70511)
  • Fixed an issue with reading some output intents. (v4.0.3 Build 70511)
  • Fixed an issue with the layout grid when the page’s width property is used. (v4.0.3 Build 70511)
  • Fixed an issue with calculating the visible column count on a Table page element. (v4.0.3 Build 70511)
  • Updated help documentation. (v4.0.3 Build 70511)
  • Fixed an issue with applying section templates to merged and appended documents. (v4.0.3 Build 70322)
  • Added Viewer Preferences support for Duplex printing, page range printing and printer tray picking based on the size of the PDF (PDF v1.7 features). (v4.0.3 Build 70322)
  • Added PDF v1.7 to the PdfVersion enumeration. (v4.0.3 Build 70322)
  • Added the ability to use TrueType fonts from a byte array. (v4.0.3 Build 70322)
  • Fixed an issue with PDF 417 text encoding. (v4.0.3 Build 70322)
  • Updated help documentation. (v4.0.3 Build 70322)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered parsing issue. (v4.0.2 Build 70306)
  • Allows use of some LZW TIFFs with invalid strip byte lengths. (v4.0.2 Build 70306)
  • Allows use of some TIFFs with invalid NextSubFile entries. (v4.0.2 Build 70306)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered issue affecting some large JPEG images. (v4.0.2 Build 70306)
  • Fixed an issue affecting TrueType fonts on secured PDF documents. (v4.0.2 Build 70306)
  • Fixed an issue with adding ordered and unordered lists to a template. (v4.0.2 Build 70306)
  • Updated help documentation. (v4.0.2 Build 70306)
  • Fixed an issue with Table's RepeatRowHeaderCount and RepeatColumnHeaderCount properties for tables with small heights. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Added support for Uncompressed TIFFs with alpha information. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Added a Language property for specifying the documents language identifer. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered issue with merging PDFs. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed an issue with justification when using TrueType fonts in FormattedTextArea. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed an issue affecting Group 4 and LZW Tiffs. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed an issue with the ordering of Radiobutton or Checkbox fields. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed an issue with calculating table and list heights. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed an issue encountered when table rows have no cells. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed an issue with merging documents with more than 10,000 JavaScript entries. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed an issue with setting page layout to TwoPageRight. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Updated help documentation. (v4.0.1 Build 61006)
  • Fixed an issue with Form filling by their full name and renaming the form fields. (v4.0.0 Build 60614)
  • Includes more Servlet examples and documentation to use them. (v4.0.0 Build 60614)
  • Updated help documentation. (v4.0.0 Build 60614)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered issue with importing Acro Forms. (v4.0.0 BETA2 Build 60518)
  • Fixed an issue with the UseMargins property of the BackgroundImage page element. (v4.0.0 BETA2 Build 60518)
  • Changed the way bullets align vertically in unordered lists. (v4.0.0 BETA2 Build 60518)
  • Fixed a PDF parsing issue. (v4.0.0 BETA Build 60425)
  • Added additional support for TIFF image transparency. (v4.0.0 BETA Build 60425)
  • Fixed an issue with the GetRequiredHeight method of the Table page element. (v4.0.0 BETA Build 60425)
  • Fixed an issue with the PageElement ID property. It is now read/write. (v4.0.0 BETA Build 60425)
  • Updated help documentation. (v4.0.0 BETA Build 60425)
  • Pre-Beta limited released (v4.0.0 PRE-BETA Build 60407)

v4 is compatible with v3. However, it contains some depreciated classes, methods and properties. All code written against v3 will compile with v4 but there may be some compiler warnings due to depreciated items that may need to be resolved. Here is a list of the depreciated items in v5 and suggested resolution:

  • HtmlTextArea Class – Use the FormattedTextArea class instead. (v4.0.0)
  • HtmlTextAreaStyle Class – Use the FormattedTextAreaStyle class instead. (v4.0.0)
  • Document.drawToWebPage() methods – Use drawToWeb() instead. (v4.0.0)
  • ceTe.DynamicPDF.Color class static properties – The static properties for specifying predefined colors are now depreciated. Use the static properties of the RbgColor, CmykColor or Grayscale classes instead. (v4.0.0)
  • ceTe.DynamicPDF.Apply enumeration - Use constructors for the Rectangle, Circle or Path page elements that do not use this enumeration. Set the border width to 0 if no border is desired and fill color to null (Nothing in VB) if no fill color is desired. (v4.0.0)
  • A basic difference between the way documents are merged in v3 and v4 is that by default, v3 did not preserve form fields. V4 will now preserve form fields by default. If this is not the desired behavior, simply use a MergeOptions class in the MergeDocument constructor or Append method with the FormFields property set to false. (v4.0.0)
   Version 3.0 (Latest Build v3.0.3.51125)
   New Features
  • Ability to merge encrypted documents. (v3.0.0)
  • Ability to crop ImportedPageData. (v3.0.0)
  • Set and read the values of Acrobat Check Boxes, Combo Boxes, List Boxes, Radio Buttons and Text Fields. (v3.0.0)
  • Mark Acrobat form fields as read-only. (v3.0.0)
  • Unicode support for Acrobat form fields. (v3.0.0)
  • International Fonts - Japanese (HeiseiKakuGothicW5 and HeiseiMinchoW3), Korean (HanyangSystemsGothicMedium and HanyangSystemsShinMyeongJoMedium), Simplified Chinese (SinoTypeSongLight) and Traditional Chinese (MonotypeHeiMedium and MonotypeSungLight). (v3.0.0)
  • Full Unicode support. (v3.0.0)
  • Six separate encodings can now be used with core fonts. (v3.0.0)
  • Right-to-Left text support for TextArea and Label class. (v3.0.0)
  • TrueType font sub setting. (v3.0.0)
  • Page Labeling with Sections. (v3.0.0)
  • Integrates with PageNumberingLabel class. (v3.0.0)
  • Document and Section Templates - Global and Even/Odd template. (v3.0.0)
  • Table object (including Columns, Rows and Cells). (v3.0.0)
  • PageNumberingLabel - Total Page / Current Page, section page numbering and numbers, roman numerals and letters. (v3.0.0)
  • BackgroundImage - Automatically sets an image to span the background of a page. (v3.0.0)
  • Note object. (v3.0.0)
  • Native gif and tiff support. (v3.0.0)
  • 64 bit imaging. (v3.0.0)
  • Image Transparency. (v3.0.0)
  • Multi-page tiff. (v3.0.0)
   Bug Fixes
  • Improved support for fixing corrupted PDF documents. (v3.0.3 Build 51125)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered issue affecting pdfs with unusually large trailer dictionaries. (v3.0.3 Build 51125)
  • Fixed an issue affecting TrueType fonts with no 'prep' table. (v3.0.3 Build 51125)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered issue with using TrueType fonts and the angle property on page elements. (v3.0.3 Build 51125)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered issue with TIFFs with unsorted markers. (v3.0.3 Build 51125)
  • Added Visual Studio 2005 Web Examples. (v3.0.3 Build 51125)
  • Updated help documentation. (v3.0.3 Build 51125)
  • Fixed an ImportedPageArea and ImportedPageData error affecting pages with contents streams over 1 MB. (v3.0.3 Build 50611)
  • Slight output efficiency improvements. (v3.0.3 Build 50611)
  • Fixed a Type 1 Font character spacing issue with some extended ASCII characters. (v3.0.3 Build 50611)
  • Fixed a TextArea issue when text is set multiple times. (v3.0.3 Build 50611)
  • Fixed an HtmlTextArea leading and parsing issue. (v3.0.3 Build 50611)
  • Fixed an issue with the GetRequiredHeight method of the Table class. (v3.0.3 Build 50611)
  • Fixed an issue affecting some indexed PNG images that use transparency. (v3.0.3 Build 50611)
  • Fixed an issue affecting some CCITT 1-D and LZW TIFF images. (v3.0.3 Build 50611)
  • Added examples to the API reference. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed an issue with multiline form fields. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed an issue with the GetContents method of the PdfPage class. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed an issue with decrypting PDFs with identical user and owner passwords. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed a seldom encountered PDF parsing issue. (v3.0.3)
  • Updated help documentation. (v3.0.3)
  • Updated examples. (v3.0.3)
  • Added the ability to specify a specific version of PDF. (v3.0.3)
  • Added support for reading images from a Byte Array, without first needing to pass them into a MemoryStream. (v3.0.3)
  • Added the ability to use some JFIF image files that do not fully meet the JFIF spec. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed Type 1 Font regional issues. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed a Type 1 Font AFM parsing issue. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed a TrueType font subsetting issue that prevented rendering of PDFs in GSView and GhostScript. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed a Code 128 barcode look ahead mode detection issue. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed an issue with the HasOverflowText method of HtmlTextAreas with a small height. (v3.0.3)
  • Fixed a form field appearance issue affecting documents that are re-merged and form fields renamed. (v3.0.2)
  • Updated help documentation. (v3.0.2)
  • Updated and added new examples. (v3.0.2)
  • Added support for JPEG in TIFF. (v3.0.2)
  • Added DPI methods and functions to the ImageData and Image classes. (v3.0.2)
  • Added a Draw method that returns the PDF as a Byte Array. (v3.0.2)
  • Added AutoLeading support to TextArea and Cell. (v3.0.2)
  • Added the ability to add page elements to table cells. (v3.0.2)
  • Added an AreaGroup page element. (v3.0.2)
  • Added a Close method to the TiffFile class. (v3.0.2)
  • Fixed a GIF and PNG transparency issue. (v3.0.2)
  • Fixed an 'index outside of bounds' error on the PageWriter class. (v3.0.2)
  • JPEGs, PNGs, and Bitmaps now default to the correct image resolution. (v3.0.2)
  • Fixed a bug in the Circle page element. (v3.0.2)
  • Fixed a Type 1 font issue with the 'æ' characters spacing. (v3.0.2)
  • Fixed an issue causing the last character to not be returned form the Label and TextArea's Text property. (v3.0.2)
  • Assembly names now reflect the edition installed (Community, Server or Developer). (v3.0.2)
  • Group 4 TIFF images no longer require EOFB tags. (v3.0.1)
  • Fixed an issue affecting some large GIF images. (v3.0.1)
  • Fixed an issue affecting some indexed TIFF images. (v3.0.1)
  • Fixed a permissions issue that can affect licensing. (v3.0.1)
  • Updated help documentation. (v3.0.1)

v3 contains many improvements over previous versions and is not fully compatible with the last version. In most cases the code changes are minor and can be easily adapted. Here is a list of code changes needed:

  • Streaming PDFs to a WebForm - The method used to output PDFs to a WebForm has changed. This was done so that applications that do not output to a WebForm, such as WinForm or Console applications, do not need to referance the System.Web assembly. Output to a WebForm is now done using the drawToWeb method. (v3.0.0)
  • PDFDocument is now PdfDocument. (v3.0.0)
  • PDFPage is now PdfPage. (v3.0.0)
  • PDFPageList is now PdfPageList. (v3.0.0)
  • PDFAcroForm is now PdfForm. (v3.0.0)
  • PDFAcroFormField is now PdfFormField. (v3.0.0)
  • PDFAcroFormFieldList is now PdfFormFieldList. (v3.0.0)
  • CMYKColor is now CmykColor. (v3.0.0)
  • EAN13 is now Ean13. (v3.0.0)
  • EAN13Sup2 is now Ean13Sup2. (v3.0.0)
  • EAN13Sup5 is now Ean13Sup5. (v3.0.0)
  • EAN8 is now Ean8. (v3.0.0)
  • EAN8Sup2 is now Ean8Sup2. (v3.0.0)
  • EAN8Sup5 is now Ean8Sup5. (v3.0.0)
  • HtmlTextArea is now HtmlTextArea. (v3.0.0)
  • HtmlTextAreaStyle is now HtmlTextAreaStyle. (v3.0.0)
  • UPCBase is now UpcBase. (v3.0.0)
  • UPCVersionA is now UpcVersionA. (v3.0.0)
  • UPCVersionASup2 is now UpcVersionASup2. (v3.0.0)
  • UPCVersionASup5 is now UpcVersionASup5. (v3.0.0)
  • UPCVersionE is now UpcVersionE. (v3.0.0)
  • UPCVersionESup2 is now UpcVersionESup2. (v3.0.0)
  • UPCVersionESup5 is now UpcVersionESup5. (v3.0.0)
  • ImageStream Class Replaced with ImageData Class. (v3.0.0)
  • TrueTypeFont moved to ceTeDynamicPDF.Text.TrueTypeFont. (v3.0.0)
  • Type1Font moved to ceTeDynamicPDF.Text.Type1Font. (v3.0.0)
  • FontFamily moved to ceTeDynamicPDF.Text.FontFamily. (v3.0.0)
  • ImageStream Class Replaced with ImageData Class. (v3.0.0)
  • Imaging has undergone many changes. Most of these changes do not affect use of the API. However, if your code uses the ImageStream class, it will now need to be modified to use the ImageData class. The ImageData class can be used in the constructors of the Image and BackGround image Page Elements. (v3.0.0)

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