
Represents a column in a table.

public class Column2
Public Class Column2

Inheritance: ObjectColumn2

Licensing Info

This class is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


The following example will display a simple table on the page.
Imports System
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements
Module MyModule
    Sub Main()
        ' Create a PDF Document
        Dim MyDocument As Document = New Document
        ' Create a Page and add it to the document
        Dim MyPage As Page = New Page
        ' Create a table 
        Dim MyTable As Table = New Table(0, 0, 600, 600)
        ' Add columns to the table
        ' Add rows to the table and add cells to the rows
        Dim row1 As Row = MyTable.Rows.Add(40, ceTe.DynamicPDF.Font.HelveticaBold, _
     	16, Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray)
        row1.Align = TextAlign.Center
        row1.VAlign = VAlign.Center
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 1")
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 2")
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 3")
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 4")
        Dim row2 As Row = MyTable.Rows.Add(30)
        Dim cell1 As Cell = row2.Cells.Add("Rowheader 1", Font.HelveticaBold, 16, _
     	Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray, 1)
        cell1.Align = CellAlign.Center
        cell1.VAlign = CellVAlign.Center
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 1")
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 2")
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 3")
        Dim row3 As Row = MyTable.Rows.Add(30)
        Dim cell2 As Cell = row3.Cells.Add("Rowheader 2", Font.HelveticaBold, 16, _
     	Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray, 1)
        cell2.Align = CellAlign.Center
        cell2.VAlign = CellVAlign.Center
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 4")
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 5")
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 6")
        ' Add the table to the page
        ' Save the PDF
    End Sub
End Module
using System;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements;

public class Example
    public static void CreatePDF(string outputPath)
        // Create a PDF Document
        Document document = new Document();

        // Create a Page and add it to the document
        Page page = new Page();

        // Create a table 
        Table2 table = new Table2(0, 0, 600, 600);
        table.Border.Width = 2;
        table.CellSpacing = 5;

        //Add columns to the table
        Column2 column1 = table.Columns.Add(150);
        column1.CellDefault.Border.Right.LineStyle = LineStyle.Dots;
        column1.CellDefault.Border.Right.Color = RgbColor.Blue;
        column1.CellDefault.Border.Top.Width = 3;

        // Add rows to the table and add cells to the rows
        Row2 row1 = table.Rows.Add(40, Font.HelveticaBold, 16, Grayscale.Black,
        row1.CellDefault.Align = TextAlign.Center;
        row1.CellDefault.VAlign = VAlign.Center;
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 1");
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 2");
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 3");
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 4");

        Row2 row2 = table.Rows.Add(30);
        Cell2 cell1 = row2.Cells.Add("Rowheader 1", Font.HelveticaBold, 16,
            Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray, 1);
        cell1.Align = TextAlign.Center;
        cell1.VAlign = VAlign.Center;
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 1");
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 2");
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 3");

        Row2 row3 = table.Rows.Add(30);
        Cell2 cell2 = row3.Cells.Add("Rowheader 2", Font.HelveticaBold, 16,
            Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray, 1);
        cell2.Align = TextAlign.Center;
        cell2.VAlign = VAlign.Center;
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 4");
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 5");
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 6");

        // Add the table to the page

        // Save the PDF


CellDefaultGets the CellDefault object of the cells in the column.
WidthGets the width of the column.


Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)

See Also


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