AnchorGroup | Represents a group of elements that will be anchored. |
AreaGroup | Represents a group of page elements with an area. |
AutoLayout | Represents an AutoLayout class. |
AutoLink | Represents a link with a destination or action. |
BackgroundImage | Represents a background image. |
Bookmark | Represents a bookmark. |
Border | Represents a border with color, width and line style. |
Cell2 | Represents a cell in the Table |
Cell2List | Represents a list of cells. |
CellBorderStyle | Represents the style of the border. |
CellDefault | Represents the default value of the cell. |
CellPadding | Represents the cell padding. |
Circle | Represents a circle. |
Column2 | Represents a column in a table. |
Column2List | Represents a list of columns in a table. |
ContentArea | Represents group of content with area. |
CurveFromSubPath | Represents a Bezier curve from the previous point. |
CurveSubPath | Represents a Bezier curve sub path. |
CurveToSubPath | Represents a Bezier curve to the next sub path. |
FormattedTextArea | Represents an area of formatted text. |
FormattedTextAreaStyle | Represents an formatted text area style. |
Group | Represents a group of page elements. |
Image | Represents an image. |
Image3D | Represents a 3D image. |
Image3DViewList | Represents list of views for a 3D image. |
ImageWatermark | Represents a Image Watermark. |
Label | Represents a label page element. |
LayoutGrid | Represents a layout grid. |
Line | Represents a line page element. |
LineSubPath | Represents a line sub path. |
Link | Represents a link with a destination or action. |
List | Represents the List. |
ListItem | Represents the ListItem. |
ListItemList | Represents the collection of ListItems on a List. List ListItem |
MultimediaAnnotation | Base class from which Image3D is derived. |
Note | Represents a note annotation. |
OrderedList | Represents an ordered list. |
OrderedListItemList | Represents a list of ordered items. |
OrderedSubList | Represents the an ordered sub list. |
PageNumberingLabel | Represents a page numbering label page element. |
Path | Represents a path with sub paths. |
PerspectiveScalingOptions | Represents perspective scaling options for a 3D image view. |
Rectangle | Represents a rectangle page element. |
RotatingPageElement | Base class from which rotating page elements are derived. |
Row2 | Represents a row in a table. |
Row2List | Represents a list of Rows in a table. |
SubList | Represents the SubList can be initialized on List . |
SubListList | Represents the SubListList. |
SubPath | Base class from which all sub paths are defined. |
SubPathList | Represents a collection of sub paths. |
Table2 | Represents a table with rows, columns and cells. |
TableException | The exception that is thrown for a Table page element error. |
TaggablePageElement | Base class from which taggable page elements are derived. |
TextArea | Represents an area of text. |
TextWatermark | Represents a Text Watermark. |
TransformationGroup | Represents a group of page elements to transform. |
TransparencyGroup | Represents a group of page elements that will have transparency. |
UnorderedList | Represents the unordered list. |
UnorderedListItemList | Description of UnorderedListItemList. |
UnorderedListStyle | Represents the UnorderedListStyle. |
UnorderedSubList | Represents the UnorderedSubList. |
View3DProperties | Represents a view for a 3D image. |
Watermark | Base class from which TextWatermark and ImageWatermark are derived. |