
Represents an imported page.

public class ImportedPage : Page
Public Class ImportedPage
    Inherits Page

Inheritance: ObjectPageImportedPage

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This class is a DynamicPDF Core Suite Essentials feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


This example shows you how to import one page of an existing PDF and save it as a separate PDF.
Imports System
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger
Module MyModule
	Sub Main()
	    ' Create a PDF Document
	    Dim MyDocument As Document = New Document() 
	    ' Create an ImportedPage and add it to the document
	    Dim MyPage As ImportedPage = New ImportedPage("C:\ImportPDF.pdf", 2, 50)
	    MyDocument.Pages.Add( MyPage )
	    ' Save the PDF
	End Sub
End Module
using System;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger;
public class Example
    public static void CreatePDF(string outputPath, string inputPath, int pageNumber, float Margins)
        // Create a PDF Document
        Document document = new Document();

        // Create an ImportedPage and add it to the document
        ImportedPage page = new ImportedPage(inputPath, pageNumber, Margins);

        // Save the PDF


This class can be used to pull a single selected page from an existing PDF document.


ImportedPage(Byte[], Int32, Single?)Initializes a new instance of the ImportedPage class.
ImportedPage(PdfPage)Initializes a new instance of the ImportedPage class.
ImportedPage(PdfPage, Single)Initializes a new instance of the ImportedPage class.
ImportedPage(String, Int32)Initializes a new instance of the ImportedPage class.
ImportedPage(String, Int32, Single)Initializes a new instance of the ImportedPage class.


ApplyDocumentTemplateGets or sets a value indicating if this page uses the documents template.
(Inherited from Page)
ApplySectionTemplateGets or sets a value indicating if this page uses the sections template.
(Inherited from Page)
BackgroundElementsGets a collection of page elements to be drawn as a background on the page.
DimensionsGets or sets the dimensions of the page.
(Inherited from Page)
ElementsGets a collection of page elements.
(Inherited from Page)
ImportAllOtherDataGets or sets a value specifying whether or not to import all data except annotations and form fields.
ImportAnnotationsGets or sets a value specifying whether or not to import the annotations.
ImportFormFieldsGets or sets a value specifying whether or not to import the form fields.
LogicalStructureGets or sets a value specifying whether or not to import the logical structures.
ReaderEventsGets the reader events of the page.
(Inherited from Page)
RotateGets or sets the rotation of the page.
(Inherited from Page)
TabOrderGets or Sets the tab order for the page.
(Inherited from Page)
UnderlyingElementsGets a collection of page elements that will appear beneath (behind) the page elements from the Elements property.
(Inherited from Page)


Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)

See Also


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