
Represents a CMYK color.

public class CmykColor : DeviceColor
Public Class CmykColor
    Inherits DeviceColor

Inheritance: ObjectColorDeviceColorCmykColor

Licensing Info

This class is a DynamicPDF Core Suite Essentials feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


See the Colors topic for more on CMYK colors.


CmykColor(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte)Initializes a new instance of the CmykColor class.
CmykColor(Single, Single, Single, Single)Initializes a new instance of the CmykColor class.


AliceBlueGets the color Alice blue.
AntiqueWhiteGets the color antique white.
AquaGets the color aqua.
AquamarineGets the color aquamarine.
AzureGets the color azure.
BeigeGets the color beige.
BisqueGets the color bisque.
BlackGets the color black.
BlanchedAlmondGets the color blanched almond.
BlueGets the color blue.
BlueVioletGets the color blue violet.
BrownGets the color brown.
BurlyWoodGets the color burly wood.
CGets or sets the cyan value.
CadetBlueGets the color cadet blue.
ChartreuseGets the color chartreuse.
ChocolateGets the color chocolate.
ColorSpaceGets the color space for the color.
ComponentsGets the number of components for the device color.
CoralGets the color coral.
CornflowerBlueGets the color cornflower blue.
CornsilkGets the color corn silk.
CrimsonGets the color crimson.
CyanGets the color cyan.
DarkBlueGets the color dark blue.
DarkCyanGets the color dark cyan.
DarkGoldenRodGets the color dark golden rod.
DarkGrayGets the color dark gray.
DarkGreenGets the color dark green.
DarkKhakiGets the color dark khaki.
DarkMagentaGets the color dark magenta.
DarkOliveGreenGets the color dark olive green.
DarkOrangeGets the color dark orange.
DarkOrchidGets the color dark orchid.
DarkRedGets the color dark red.
DarkSalmonGets the color dark salmon.
DarkSeaGreenGets the color dark sea green.
DarkSlateBlueGets the color dark slate blue.
DarkSlateGrayGets the color dark slate gray.
DarkTurquoiseGets the color dark turquoise.
DarkVioletGets the color dark violet.
DeepPinkGets the color deep pink.
DeepSkyBlueGets the color deep sky blue.
DimGrayGets the color dim gray.
DodgerBlueGets the color dodger blue.
FeldsparGets the color feldspar.
FireBrickGets the color fire brick.
FloralWhiteGets the color floral white.
ForestGreenGets the color forest green.
FuchsiaGets the color fuchsia.
GainsboroGets the color gainsboro.
GhostWhiteGets the color ghost white.
GoldGets the color gold.
GoldenRodGets the color golden rod.
GrayGets the color gray.
GreenGets the color green.
GreenYellowGets the color green yellow.
HoneyDewGets the color honey dew.
HotPinkGets the color hot pink.
IndianRedGets the color Indian red.
IndigoGets the color indigo.
IvoryGets the color ivory.
KGets or sets the black value.
KhakiGets the color khaki.
LavenderGets the color lavender.
LavenderBlushGets the color lavender blush.
LawnGreenGets the color lawn green.
LemonChiffonGets the color lemon chiffon.
LightBlueGets the color light blue.
LightCoralGets the color light coral.
LightCyanGets the color light cyan.
LightGoldenRodYellowGets the color light golden rod yellow.
LightGreenGets the color light green.
LightGreyGets the color light grey.
LightPinkGets the color light pink.
LightSalmonGets the color light salmon.
LightSeaGreenGets the color light sea green.
LightSkyBlueGets the color light sky blue.
LightSlateBlueGets the color light slate blue.
LightSlateGrayGets the color light slate gray.
LightSteelBlueGets the color light steel blue.
LightYellowGets the color light yellow.
LimeGets the color lime.
LimeGreenGets the color lime green.
LinenGets the color linen.
MGets or sets the magenta value.
MagentaGets the color magenta.
MaroonGets the color maroon.
MediumAquaMarineGets the color medium aqua marine.
MediumBlueGets the color medium blue.
MediumOrchidGets the color medium orchid.
MediumPurpleGets the color medium purple.
MediumSeaGreenGets the color medium sea green.
MediumSlateBlueGets the color medium slate blue.
MediumSpringGreenGets the color medium spring green.
MediumTurquoiseGets the color medium turquoise.
MediumVioletRedGets the color medium violet red.
MidnightBlueGets the color midnight blue.
MintCreamGets the color mint cream.
MistyRoseGets the color misty rose.
MoccasinGets the color moccasin.
NavajoWhiteGets the color Navajo white.
NavyGets the color navy.
OldLaceGets the color old lace.
OliveGets the color olive.
OliveDrabGets the color olive drab.
OrangeGets the color orange.
OrangeRedGets the color orange red.
OrchidGets the color orchid.
PaleGoldenRodGets the color pale golden rod.
PaleGreenGets the color pale green.
PaleTurquoiseGets the color pale turquoise.
PaleVioletRedGets the color pale violet red.
PapayaWhipGets the color papaya whip.
PeachPuffGets the color peach puff.
PeruGets the color Peru.
PinkGets the color pink.
PlumGets the color plum.
PowderBlueGets the color powder blue.
PurpleGets the color purple.
RedGets the color red.
RosyBrownGets the color rosy brown.
RoyalBlueGets the color royal blue.
SaddleBrownGets the color saddle brown.
SalmonGets the color salmon.
SandyBrownGets the color sandy brown.
SeaGreenGets the color sea green.
SeaShellGets the color sea shell.
SiennaGets the color sienna.
SilverGets the color silver.
SkyBlueGets the color sky blue.
SlateBlueGets the color slate blue.
SlateGrayGets the color slate gray.
SnowGets the color snow.
SpringGreenGets the color spring green.
SteelBlueGets the color steel blue.
TanGets the color tan.
TealGets the color teal.
ThistleGets the color thistle.
TomatoGets the color tomato.
TurquoiseGets the color turquoise.
VioletGets the color violet.
VioletRedGets the color violet red.
WheatGets the color wheat.
WhiteGets the color white.
WhiteSmokeGets the color white smoke.
YGets or sets the yellow value.
YellowGets the color yellow.
YellowGreenGets the color yellow green.


DrawFill(OperatorWriter)Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object.
DrawFill(PageWriter)Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object.
(Inherited from DeviceColor)
DrawStroke(OperatorWriter)Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object.
DrawStroke(PageWriter)Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object.
(Inherited from DeviceColor)
Equals(Object)Tests equality of colors.
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringBuilder(StringBuilder)Appends the color information to the given StringBuilder object.

See Also


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