Represents a CMYK color.
public class CmykColor : DeviceColor
Public Class CmykColor
Inherits DeviceColor
Inheritance: ObjectColorDeviceColorCmykColor
Licensing Info
This class is a DynamicPDF Core Suite Essentials feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:
- Any active DynamicPDF Subscription (Essentials, Professional, Professional Plus or Ultimate).
- A DynamicPDF Core Suite for .NET v12.X Essentials license.
- It can also be used for free with a public link back to and with the DynamicPDF Essentials message displaying on the bottom of each page.
See the Colors topic for more on CMYK colors.
CmykColor(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte) | Initializes a new instance of the CmykColor class. |
CmykColor(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Initializes a new instance of the CmykColor class. |
AliceBlue | Gets the color Alice blue. |
AntiqueWhite | Gets the color antique white. |
Aqua | Gets the color aqua. |
Aquamarine | Gets the color aquamarine. |
Azure | Gets the color azure. |
Beige | Gets the color beige. |
Bisque | Gets the color bisque. |
Black | Gets the color black. |
BlanchedAlmond | Gets the color blanched almond. |
Blue | Gets the color blue. |
BlueViolet | Gets the color blue violet. |
Brown | Gets the color brown. |
BurlyWood | Gets the color burly wood. |
C | Gets or sets the cyan value. |
CadetBlue | Gets the color cadet blue. |
Chartreuse | Gets the color chartreuse. |
Chocolate | Gets the color chocolate. |
ColorSpace | Gets the color space for the color. |
Components | Gets the number of components for the device color. |
Coral | Gets the color coral. |
CornflowerBlue | Gets the color cornflower blue. |
Cornsilk | Gets the color corn silk. |
Crimson | Gets the color crimson. |
Cyan | Gets the color cyan. |
DarkBlue | Gets the color dark blue. |
DarkCyan | Gets the color dark cyan. |
DarkGoldenRod | Gets the color dark golden rod. |
DarkGray | Gets the color dark gray. |
DarkGreen | Gets the color dark green. |
DarkKhaki | Gets the color dark khaki. |
DarkMagenta | Gets the color dark magenta. |
DarkOliveGreen | Gets the color dark olive green. |
DarkOrange | Gets the color dark orange. |
DarkOrchid | Gets the color dark orchid. |
DarkRed | Gets the color dark red. |
DarkSalmon | Gets the color dark salmon. |
DarkSeaGreen | Gets the color dark sea green. |
DarkSlateBlue | Gets the color dark slate blue. |
DarkSlateGray | Gets the color dark slate gray. |
DarkTurquoise | Gets the color dark turquoise. |
DarkViolet | Gets the color dark violet. |
DeepPink | Gets the color deep pink. |
DeepSkyBlue | Gets the color deep sky blue. |
DimGray | Gets the color dim gray. |
DodgerBlue | Gets the color dodger blue. |
Feldspar | Gets the color feldspar. |
FireBrick | Gets the color fire brick. |
FloralWhite | Gets the color floral white. |
ForestGreen | Gets the color forest green. |
Fuchsia | Gets the color fuchsia. |
Gainsboro | Gets the color gainsboro. |
GhostWhite | Gets the color ghost white. |
Gold | Gets the color gold. |
GoldenRod | Gets the color golden rod. |
Gray | Gets the color gray. |
Green | Gets the color green. |
GreenYellow | Gets the color green yellow. |
HoneyDew | Gets the color honey dew. |
HotPink | Gets the color hot pink. |
IndianRed | Gets the color Indian red. |
Indigo | Gets the color indigo. |
Ivory | Gets the color ivory. |
K | Gets or sets the black value. |
Khaki | Gets the color khaki. |
Lavender | Gets the color lavender. |
LavenderBlush | Gets the color lavender blush. |
LawnGreen | Gets the color lawn green. |
LemonChiffon | Gets the color lemon chiffon. |
LightBlue | Gets the color light blue. |
LightCoral | Gets the color light coral. |
LightCyan | Gets the color light cyan. |
LightGoldenRodYellow | Gets the color light golden rod yellow. |
LightGreen | Gets the color light green. |
LightGrey | Gets the color light grey. |
LightPink | Gets the color light pink. |
LightSalmon | Gets the color light salmon. |
LightSeaGreen | Gets the color light sea green. |
LightSkyBlue | Gets the color light sky blue. |
LightSlateBlue | Gets the color light slate blue. |
LightSlateGray | Gets the color light slate gray. |
LightSteelBlue | Gets the color light steel blue. |
LightYellow | Gets the color light yellow. |
Lime | Gets the color lime. |
LimeGreen | Gets the color lime green. |
Linen | Gets the color linen. |
M | Gets or sets the magenta value. |
Magenta | Gets the color magenta. |
Maroon | Gets the color maroon. |
MediumAquaMarine | Gets the color medium aqua marine. |
MediumBlue | Gets the color medium blue. |
MediumOrchid | Gets the color medium orchid. |
MediumPurple | Gets the color medium purple. |
MediumSeaGreen | Gets the color medium sea green. |
MediumSlateBlue | Gets the color medium slate blue. |
MediumSpringGreen | Gets the color medium spring green. |
MediumTurquoise | Gets the color medium turquoise. |
MediumVioletRed | Gets the color medium violet red. |
MidnightBlue | Gets the color midnight blue. |
MintCream | Gets the color mint cream. |
MistyRose | Gets the color misty rose. |
Moccasin | Gets the color moccasin. |
NavajoWhite | Gets the color Navajo white. |
Navy | Gets the color navy. |
OldLace | Gets the color old lace. |
Olive | Gets the color olive. |
OliveDrab | Gets the color olive drab. |
Orange | Gets the color orange. |
OrangeRed | Gets the color orange red. |
Orchid | Gets the color orchid. |
PaleGoldenRod | Gets the color pale golden rod. |
PaleGreen | Gets the color pale green. |
PaleTurquoise | Gets the color pale turquoise. |
PaleVioletRed | Gets the color pale violet red. |
PapayaWhip | Gets the color papaya whip. |
PeachPuff | Gets the color peach puff. |
Peru | Gets the color Peru. |
Pink | Gets the color pink. |
Plum | Gets the color plum. |
PowderBlue | Gets the color powder blue. |
Purple | Gets the color purple. |
Red | Gets the color red. |
RosyBrown | Gets the color rosy brown. |
RoyalBlue | Gets the color royal blue. |
SaddleBrown | Gets the color saddle brown. |
Salmon | Gets the color salmon. |
SandyBrown | Gets the color sandy brown. |
SeaGreen | Gets the color sea green. |
SeaShell | Gets the color sea shell. |
Sienna | Gets the color sienna. |
Silver | Gets the color silver. |
SkyBlue | Gets the color sky blue. |
SlateBlue | Gets the color slate blue. |
SlateGray | Gets the color slate gray. |
Snow | Gets the color snow. |
SpringGreen | Gets the color spring green. |
SteelBlue | Gets the color steel blue. |
Tan | Gets the color tan. |
Teal | Gets the color teal. |
Thistle | Gets the color thistle. |
Tomato | Gets the color tomato. |
Turquoise | Gets the color turquoise. |
Violet | Gets the color violet. |
VioletRed | Gets the color violet red. |
Wheat | Gets the color wheat. |
White | Gets the color white. |
WhiteSmoke | Gets the color white smoke. |
Y | Gets or sets the yellow value. |
Yellow | Gets the color yellow. |
YellowGreen | Gets the color yellow green. |
DrawFill(OperatorWriter) | Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object. |
DrawFill(PageWriter) | Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object. (Inherited from DeviceColor) |
DrawStroke(OperatorWriter) | Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object. |
DrawStroke(PageWriter) | Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object. (Inherited from DeviceColor) |
Equals(Object) | Tests equality of colors. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
ToString() | Returns a String that represents the current Object . (Inherited from Object) |
ToStringBuilder(StringBuilder) | Appends the color information to the given StringBuilder object. |