Need to default option on the Print Dialog

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DynamicPDF Viewer for .NET (v2) Forum

When I generate a PDF and send it directly to the printer, I set an option "vprnJob:Pages:Item[vint]:PrintOptions:Scaling     = PageScaling:ActualSize."

However, when I display the PDF on the screen using PDF Viewer and the user clicks the print button, this option is defaulted to "Shrink to Fit".

I'd like to either default this to ActualSize or be able to remove that option all together. I can't find any method to do so in the PDFViewer Documentation.

Anyone know how to do this?
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

DynamicPDF Viewer for .NET does not have the capability to customize print dialog or to specify default options for various print settings in the print dialog.

ceTe Software Support Team.
Then I guess I'll replace the toolbar button with my own that will use the Print Manager. I've already modified the toolbar for other reasons.

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