My company is using different ceTe Software Products (Merger, Rasterizer and PrintManager) over a couple of years now and i can say that we are really quite happy with it.
Recently we also purchased your DynamicPDF Viewer Component (v1.0.3) and now we need to embed the Control into a .NET 4.5 Client Application, that has to be built for "Any CPU".
Today, the Project Leader asked me for such a DLL (of the Viewing Component) that is built for "Any CPU", but i could only find DLLs for x86 and x64 (for the different .net versions).
So i would kindly ask if it is somehow possible to get a DynamicPDF Viewer DLL (v1.0.3 or higher) that is built for "Any CPU" (screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/QNuKn6i.png) ?
I am really looking forward to your response!
Kind regards,
Ludwig Blechinger
(Plasser & Theurer)