Print resolution on Car Printer

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DynamicPDF PrintManager for .NET (v3) Forum

 Oct 26 2018 5:42 AM

I am trying to print PDF on Card Printer DTC4500 . I am setting in code

AutoPageScaling pageEdgeScaling = new AutoPageScaling(ScaleTo.PageEdges, true, true);
printJob.PrintOptions.Scaling = pageEdgeScaling;

Still the PDF is not printed from the edges. Please suggest what can be done to print the PDF on full Card.

Also is there a way to increase the font when printing.

I am setting the resolution

printJob.PrintOptions.Resolution = ResolutionList.High;

Still the print is not very clear as we see at 100% in acrobat reader

 Nov 02 2018 9:36 AM
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator
Hello Partha,
Thanks for sending the details to support team.
Regarding quality (sharpness) of the printing, please note that the actual DPI (resolution) value of the print job is determine by the printer driver depending on the printer capabilities. Please refer to the documentation on PrintJob resolution here
As per the details you sent to our support team, we found that it is a permission issue with the Windows service and running the service under same user account as per the Desktop application (where in you are able to print the PDF correctly) should work for you.
Regarding the printing to edges, it looks like the printer is adding some margins while printing and hence the PDF is not printed on a full card on your end.
ceTe Software Support Team.

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