How to handle LicenseKeys on Load Balancer

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DynamicPDF Generator for .NET (v4) Forum

We have moved to our new web servers to load balancer and upgraded to automatic deployments, I know our current licenses of DynamicPDF is per server and we have 2 licenses for both servers.
But I want to keep my web.config files identical across both the servers on the other hand don't want to print the watermark due to invalid license key on either server because web.config has only 1 license key mentioned. therefore I have to do manual changes on other server after every deployment with approvals.

Please suggest how can I handle the web.config with out manual changes. Can I place "ceTe.ServerLicenseKey" key anywhere else instead of web.config ?

Posted by a ceTe Software moderator
Hello Gaurav,

You can add multiple license keys to a single web.config file by appending a period and unique number to the "ceTe.ServerLicenseKey" key name. Please refer to the details instructions on adding license keys by logging into our here using your product serial number. For your license, please use the "Login with Serial Number" option. After logging in, you can view the details by clicking on the appropriate "View License Key" button.

ceTe Software Support Team
Hi Team

So you mean, I can put web.config as below -
add key="ceTe.ServerLicenseKey" value="test"
add key="ceTe.ServerLicenseKey1" value="test1"

How the server will identify which one is associated to respective server. (Sorry if this is common question I haven't linked license key with server in DynamicPDF portal so I am unaware). Let me know if we need to link license key to each server on this portal, if Yes then do we need to change the key name from "ceTe.ServerLicenseKey" to "ceTe.ServerLicenseKey".

Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

Below is syntax to add multiple license keys to a config file for older version. Please note that this may be different for different products and versions. The most up to date and accurate place to find this information is in our CustomerArea.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="ceTe.ServerLicenseKey" value="Add license key here" />
        <add key="ceTe.ServerLicenseKey.2" value="Add another license key here" />
        <add key="ceTe.ServerLicenseKey.3" value="Add one more license key here" />
        <!-- Place your system.web setting here -->

ceTe Software Support Team

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