PDF Field highlighting

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DynamicPDF Generator for Java (v5) Forum

 Jan 11 2011 10:03 AM
As part of our business process, we are trying to read an existing PDF (generated outside our application) and update the presentation (add a border / background color) for certain form fields.

However we are unable to locate the associated API for this.

Sample code-

//where pdfDoc is instance of MergeDocument
//returns instance of com.cete.dynamicpdf.forms.TextField

Noticed that com.cete.dynamicpdf.pageelements.forms.TextField
has API to set background color and border style but com.cete.dynamicpdf.forms.TextField does NOT.

Can you suggest a way to acheive this using existing API ?
 Jan 11 2011 12:36 PM
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

Currently it is not possible to set the border style and background color for the already existing fields in the PDF documents.  The DynamicPDF Merger API has methods like  getBackgroundColor and getBorderStyle but these are all read only properties and available with version 6 DynamicPDF Merger for Java product API. You can only get the background Color and Border Style. We will add this feature to our wish list and we may add this feature to our future version of DynamicPDF Merger API but we do not have any exact time frame on this.

If you are adding any new form fields to the PDF document then you can set border color, border style and background color for the fields using our DynamicPDF Merger API. Please refer the documentation on working with acro forms at: http://www.DynamicPDF.com/Support/Java_Help_Documentation_09_01/user-manual/InteractiveForms.html
ceTe Software Support Team.

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