I have the same issue . I installed Karantina and Great Vibes fonts to the system and I'm trying to use them in HtmlArea.
I suppose the only difference with the case is I’m using the this HtmlArea constructor: HtmlArea(string text, float x, float y, float width, float height); instead of the one with the argument Uri.
This is my text argument:
string input = @”
.customFont {
font:20px ""Karantina"";
<p align = ""justify"" style = ""font-size:10px"" class =""customFont"" ><font face = ""Great Vibes"" style = ""font-size:30px"" > You can change the text-align </font > by clicking on one of the properties on the left...</ p >”
Code sample:
HtmlArea fta = new HtmlArea(input, 50, 50, 250, 250);
In the output pdf, there are no Karantina or Great Vibes fonts.