I have problems when searching for Text in the PDF-File when using OpenTypeFont and encryption.
The following example produces a simple PDF, but when searching for Text, I got only the message "Document was searched with Adobe Acrobat DC. No Hit"
Or something along this message (i have an German Installation).
The example is in Progress 11.7.2, but there should be no problem with reading the code ;-)
ceTe.DynamicPDF.Document:AddLicense("GEN90NED_rest of Key ommited_").
pdfF_OpenFont = NEW OpenTypeFont("arial.ttf") /* arial.ttf cour.ttf lucon.ttf */
pdfF_OpenFont:Embed = FALSE
pdfDok = NEW ceTe.DynamicPDF.Document().
pdfPage = NEW ceTe.DynamicPDF.Page( PageSize:A4, PageOrientation:Landscape, 28 ).
pdfDok:Pages:Add( pdfPage).
pdfPage:Elements:Add(NEW TextArea("Das ist ein Text in TextArea~n Mit nehreren ZeilenText", 30, 30, 300, 300 , pdfF_OpenFont, 10 )).
pdfSec = NEW Aes256Security("TestSu", "Test").
pdfSec:AllowEdit = FALSE.
pdfDok:Security = pdfSec.
pdfDok:Draw( "HelloWorld.pdf" ) .
when commenting these lines (aka no encryption) :
pdfSec = NEW Aes256Security("TestSu", "Test").
pdfSec:AllowEdit = FALSE.
pdfDok:Security = pdfSec.
or as alternative, using some builtin Fonts , ore omitting font and size in the NEW TextArea
then there is no problem with text-Search.
Can you give me some hints what I did wrong?