Dynamic PDF Designer

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DynamicPDF CoreSuite for .NET (v7) Forum

 Mar 21 2013 11:41 AM
I am using Dynmaic PDF DESIGNER.  Says it right in the Help menu > About.  I dare anyone to find where its listed in these forums.  This templating tool is horrible! I can't set the base font nor font family for the entire document yet they list both under the Document > Properties.  I can add other fonts but they wont even display correctly in the tempting area, especially in a label. It looks regular on the template, till you dbl click it or print it.  Then it actually prints in the font you specify.  So if you specify bold in a label and its a long sentence it will throw off your end of line and all the items you have displayed after that label.


If your going to actually buy a product, Adobe is not a waste, this is!  Even Borland made better layout products back in 1997!

 Mar 21 2013 12:38 PM
so now i find out you cant even print your template to make sure your field layout is correct.  I'm told I have to create a full schema then actually implement it into our development environ so it can run in "real" time.

All this to print a test page because they don't show this in a WYSIWYG area.  Wow!  ppl pay $$$ for this?
 Mar 22 2013 4:57 PM
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

As an overview of DynamicPDF Designer, please keep in mind that this is a companion tool to our DynamicPDF ReportWriter product and was never intended to be used as a standalone product (this is why you won’t see a dedicated forum category for it because any questions will be address under the ReportWriter forum). Designer is intended to create templates (XML-based files) that are then consumed by ReportWriter to create the final PDF. Designer alone will not and was not designed to create PDF files.
The Designer was created as an alternative to doing all the PDF designing within your code directly.  And we have many people who are using and frankly loving the DynamicPDF Designer and its time-saving benefits.

With all that said, we are more than happy to answer any questions you have about how to correctly use the Designer and ReportWriter for your situation as well we would be happy to help troubleshoot and resolve any technical issues that you are having with the product. If you would like to pursue things further, feel free to email our support team: support@cete.com.

ceTe Software Support Team.
 Apr 08 2021 8:28 AM
How is the situation in 2021 now.  Is Dynamic PDF Designer usable now? Can we set font and everything?
 Apr 08 2021 1:30 PM
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

DynamicPDF Designer is supported now as well and we will be releasing an major update to it in the next few months. This will allow you to create report template and will be used by our ReportWriter product to dynamically to create PDF reports.

Yes, you can set a font to report elements using Font property. You can also add your own TTF and OTF fonts. Please refer to the documentation on report flow here. Documentation on font management is found here.

ceTe Software Support Team
 May 05 2021 12:09 AM
When do we expect a release?
 May 10 2021 12:42 PM
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

We will be releasing a BETA version of the online version in about 2 weeks. Please send an email to support@dynamicpdf.com if you would like to take a look at the BETA version when it is available.

ceTe Software Support Team
 May 10 2021 1:08 PM
Yes, please post product announcement when ready.
 May 30 2021 1:09 AM
Please share screenshots of web based report designer and download link
 Jun 01 2021 12:52 PM
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

We will be sending BETA invitations within the next week. Please send an email to support@dynamicpdf.com if you would like to receive an invitation to the BETA version.

ceTe Software Support Team

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