I have a problem adding emoji characters.
<% @Language="VBScript" CODEPAGE="65001" %>
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Response.expires = -1
Response.charset = "utf-8"
Dim MyDocument, MyPage
Dim MyStrText
' Create Document object and set properties
Set MyDocument = Server.CreateObject( "DynamicPDF.Document" )
OpenSansEmoji = MyDocument.AddFont( "D:\font\OpenSansEmoji.ttf", true, true )
EmojiSymbolsRegular = MyDocument.AddFont( "D:\font\EmojiSymbols-Regular.ttf", true, true )
Symbola = MyDocument.AddFont( "D:\font\Symbola.ttf", true, true )
'MyDocument.Creator = "HelloWorld.asp"
'MyDocument.Author = "ceTe Software"
'MyDocument.Title = "Hello World"
' Add a page to the document
Set MyPage = MyDocument.AddPage()
' Add a textarea to the page
MyStrText = "😳😄❤👍" & vbCrLf & "emoji font test"
Dim MyLabel
Set MyLabel = MyPage.AddLabel(MyStrText, 0, 0, 504, 54)
MyLabel.Align = DPDF_TextAlign_Center
'MyLabel.Font = DPDF_Font_Helvetica
'MyLabel.Font = OpenSansEmoji
MyLabel.Font = EmojiSymbolsRegular
'MyLabel.Font = Symbola
'MyLabel.Font = DPDF_Font_Symbol
MyLabel.FontSize = 18
' Output the Document to the Browser
' Object cleanup
Set MyPage = Nothing
Set MyDocument = Nothing