Server.CreateObject( "DynamicPDF.Document" ) Error

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DynamicPDF CoreSuite for COM/ActiveX (v8) Forum

I have DynamicPDF CoreSuite version 8 installed.

All working fine for the last two years.

Early this morning the live server installed some Windows updates.

Right after this my code threw these sort of errors:

Warning: File /Customers/DownloadArrivalInstructionsAsPDF.asp Line 89 ActiveX component can't create object. .

The line it refers to is this:

Set MyDocument = Server.CreateObject( "DynamicPDF.Document" )

I tried re-installing the DynamicPDF CoreSuite via a download of the latest version on your website.  Then re-booted the server.

Still the error.

I uninstalled DynamicPDF CoreSuite.  Re-booted.  Re-installed DynamicPDF CoreSuite.

Still the error.

I ran the BAT files to install the components.

Still the error.

Finally I have uninstalled those 3 windows updates.

Now it works again - until Windows sneakily installs the updates again.

When it does - what can I do to make the component work?
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

Based on the description you provided, it seems like those Windows updates are affecting the underlying Windows COM /ActiveX interface and that is most likely causing applications/components that rely on COM object model to fail. So far, we have not had any other customers report this kind of issue. Please email the following information to so we can try to replicate the issue on our test server and troubleshoot further.

1. Server OS Details (provide a screenshot of the System properties that shows all the OS details)
2. URLs to Microsoft KB articles for the three updates that you had to uninstall.
3. Version and build numbers of DynamicPDF Core Suite. (In the add remove programs list, you can see the version number and the 5-digit build number)

ceTe Software Support Team.
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

Our development team have finished investigating this issue. They were able to reproduce the error independent of our DynamicPDF for COM/ActiveX component and determined that the root cause of this error is not in our product.

Specific Windows updates listed below that were rolled out by Microsoft on July 10 2018 are responsible for this error.  Several of our customers were able to resolve this error by temporarily uninstalling these updates. Please note that once the updates uninstalled make sure to hide the updates in Window Update interface so they don’t get reinstalled again automatically. We have reported this issue to Microsoft and will post an update once we receive feedback from Microsoft.

Windows 2008 R2 & Windows 7 -  KB4340556 

Windows 2012 R2 & Windows 8.1 - KB4340558

Windows 10 - KB4338819

If you are experiencing this error in a different OS that is not listed above, KB number of the update you may have received might be different. In which case you would want to look at the list of updates that were installed recently and uninstall them one by one to see if that resolves the error.   

ceTe Software Support Team.
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

Microsoft released a Windows update to fix the COM/AcitveX issue caused by the July 2018 update.

Please refer to the following July update's KB article that is appropriate for your OS. In the “Know Issues” section, refer to a COM component failure item that contains more information about the fix and the Windows Update KB link.

Windows 2008 R2 & Windows 7 -  KB4340556 

Windows 2012 R2 & Windows 8.1 - KB4340558

Windows 10 - KB4338819

ceTe Software Support Team.

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