Is byte[] Convert(string inputHtml, Uri basePath = null, ConversionOptions conversionO thread safe

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DynamicPDF Converter for .NET (v1) Forum

I am using DynamicPDF.HTMLConverter.NETStandard20, Version=

I have C# application where main thread will spin a thread for each print job
for each job
  Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(PrintingTimeoutThreadProc));
  PrintingParams p = new PrintingParams(job.printerName, job.htmlBody)

    private void PrintingTimeoutThreadProc(object data)
      PrintingParams printingParams = data as PrintingParams;
      byte[] fileData = Converter.Convert(data .htmlBody, null, conversionOptions);
// send byte array to printer

My question is the Converter.Convert(data .htmlBody, null, conversionOptions) call thread safe?
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

The latest version of DynamicPDF Converter supports Asynchronous conversions, and it is thread safe. You can refer to the documentation on Asynchronous conversions here.

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