Hang Convert HTML

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DynamicPDF Converter for .NET (v1) Forum

 Nov 01 2018 7:20 AM

I'm trying to convert HTML to a PDF and it works fine on my Dev machine. I deploy to a test  server and the it hangs while converting. The server is running Windows 64 bit 2016. I have the x64 version of Dynamic PDF running on the server. I have added the correct license key for the server. I can see that the HTML file that html file is created in C:/Windows/Temp.

The web site is running using an account that has full permissions to c:\windows\temp

I created a simple console app to test;

                Console.WriteLine("Adding License");

                Converter.AddLicense("My Key");
                string sampleHtml = "<html><body><p>Simple HTML string</p></body></html> ";

                Console.WriteLine("Generating Doc");
                Converter.ConvertHtmlString(sampleHtml, @"C:\\windows\temp\Document.pdf");
                Console.WriteLine("Finished Generating Doc");

            catch (Exception e)

This works fine on my local box, by hangs Generating Document.

I have run out of ideas?



 Nov 01 2018 3:54 PM
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator - Commonly asked question
Hello George,

Please make sure you are using the most up to date build (v1.0.1.36785) available. It can be obtained from the customer area. After you install the latest build, make sure to update the Converter dll in your application to use the latest dll. If the issue persists, please enable logging (steps listed below) and email the following info to support@dynamicpdf.com

1. Log file
2. Try converting a text file and let us know if that worked.
3. Url of this forum post.

Steps to enable logging:
1. Stop the DynamicPDF Converter windows service. Check the task manager and kill Converter processes if any present.
2. Open the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Converter.Service.exe.config file located at C:\Program Files(x86)\ceTe Software\DynamicPDF Converter v1.0.1 for .NET\Service\ in notepad.
3. Edit the enableLogging property and set to "true" and save the file.
4. Start the DynamicPDF Converter windows service.
5. Run your application to convert some files.
6. Converter log entries will be added to the system event log.
7. Open Administrator Tools > Event Viewer on the server.
8. Select Windows Logs > Application
9. Select all the events that indicate “DynamicPDF Converter” in the source column.
10. Go to Action menu and select “Save Selected Events” to save the selected logs into a .evtx file.

ceTe Software Support Team.

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