Nested Layout Data (Subreports)
For nested data, you use subreports to create a report with multiple data groupings. You can use JSON, data objects, SQL reports and events to apply nested data to a DLEX template.
Refer to Report with Subreport to learn how to create this report using Designer.
Figure 1. Completed report from examples.
The DLEX in Figure 1 illustrates the data elements used in the examples below.
Figure 2. Data in
DLEX file.
The following example illustrates using JSON as the provided layout data.
- Reads JSON data from a file (
"ProductsByCategory": [
"Name": "Beverages",
"Products": [
"ProductID": 1,
"ProductName": "Chai",
"QuantityPerUnit": "10 boxes x 20 bags",
"Discontinued": false,
"UnitPrice": 18
"ProductID": 2,
"ProductName": "Chang",
"QuantityPerUnit": "24 - 12 oz bottles",
"Discontinued": false,
"UnitPrice": 19
Core Suite relies upon the Newtonsoft framework for processing JSON data.
- Deserializes the JSON into a .NET object.
- Uses a DLEX template to generate a PDF report.
string data = File.ReadAllText(Util.GetPath("subreport.json");
var jsonData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(data);
DocumentLayout layoutReport = new DocumentLayout(Util.GetPath("subreport.dlex");
LayoutData layoutData = new LayoutData(jsonData);
Document document = layoutReport.Layout(layoutData);
Dim data As String = File.ReadAllText("subreport.json")
Dim jsonData As Object = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(data)
Dim layoutReport As New DocumentLayout("subreport.dlex")
Dim layoutData As New LayoutData(jsonData)
Dim document As Document = layoutReport.Layout(layoutData)
Data Objects
The following example generates a document using a predefined layout template (subreport.dlex
). It retrieves product category data, associates it with the layout, and creates a document.
is used to store data that will be injected into the document.- A list of
objects is retrieved fromProductCategoryData.GetProductCategoryObjects()
. - This data is then added to
under the key"ProductsByCategory"
DocumentLayout layoutReport = new DocumentLayout("subreport.dlex");
NameValueLayoutData layoutData = new NameValueLayoutData();
List<ProductCategory> productCategoryData = ProductCategoryData.GetProductCategoryObjects();
layoutData.Add("ProductsByCategory", productCategoryData);
Document document = layoutReport.Layout(layoutData);
Dim layoutReport As New DocumentLayout("subreport.dlex")
Dim layoutData As New NameValueLayoutData()
Dim productCategoryData As List(Of ProductCategory) = GetProductCategoryObjects()
layoutData.Add("ProductsByCategory", productCategoryData)
Dim document As Document = layoutReport.Layout(layoutData)
Database Using JSON
This example retrieves data from a SQL database in JSON format, processes it, and generates a document using a predefined layout template (subreport.dlex
- This query fetches product and category data from the
tables. - The
clause converts the result into JSON format. - The
option wraps the output in a root object named"ProductsByCategory"
. - Executes the query with
and reads the database output. - Create JSON from database results.
- The JSON string is then deserialized into an object using
. - Loads the document layout template (
). - Uses the deserialized JSON data as
. - Generates a document using the layout and saves it to
string queryWithForJson = "SELECT CategoryName as Name, ProductID, ProductName, " +
"QuantityPerUnit, Discontinued, UnitPrice " +
"FROM Categories, Products FOR JSON auto," +
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(queryWithForJson, conn)
var jsonResult = new StringBuilder();
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (!reader.HasRows) {
} else {
while (reader.Read()) {
var jsonData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(
DocumentLayout layoutReport = new DocumentLayout("subreport.dlex");
LayoutData layoutData = new LayoutData(jsonData);
Document document = layoutReport.Layout(layoutData);
Dim queryWithForJson As String = "SELECT CategoryName as Name, ProductID, ProductName, " &
"QuantityPerUnit, Discontinued, UnitPrice " &
"FROM Categories, Products FOR JSON auto, root('ProductsByCategory')"
Using conn As New SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING)
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(queryWithForJson, conn)
Dim jsonResult As New StringBuilder()
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If Not reader.HasRows Then
While reader.Read()
End While
End If
Dim jsonData As Object = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonResult.ToString())
Dim layoutReport As New DocumentLayout("subreport.dlex")
Dim layoutData As New LayoutData(jsonData)
Dim document As Document = layoutReport.Layout(layoutData) document.Draw(outputPath)
End Using
End Using
Database Using ReportDataRequired Event
The ReportDataRequired event handler triggers an event and executes a callback function every time a report or subreport element is parsed in a DLEX file.
The following example generates a subreport using SQL data retrieval and event handling. It integrates with a DynamicPDF layout (subreport.dlex
), fetching data from a SQL database to populate the report before saving the final document. It attaches an event handler (DocumentLayout_ReportDataRequired
) to handle data retrieval for specific report elements.
- DocumentLayout_ReportDataRequired:
- This event handler is invoked when data for a specific report element (
) is needed. - If the
, it executes an SQL query to retrieve categories from theCategories
table and passes the result to the report. - If the
, it dynamically generates an SQL query to retrieve products based on theCategoryID
passed from the parent report. It then passes the result to the subreport.
- This event handler is invoked when data for a specific report element (
private static void GenerateSubReportUsingSqlEvent()
DocumentLayout documentLayout = new DocumentLayout("subreport.dlex");
documentLayout.ReportDataRequired += DocumentLayout_ReportDataRequired;
LayoutData layoutData = new LayoutData();
Document document = documentLayout.Layout(layoutData);
private static void DocumentLayout_ReportDataRequired(object sender, ReportDataRequiredEventArgs args)
if (args.ElementId == "ProductsByCategoryReport") {
string sqlString =
"SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName Name "
+ "FROM Categories ";
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlString, connection);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
args.ReportData = new DataReaderReportData(connection, reader);
} else if (args.ElementId == "ProductsByCategorySubReport") {
string sqlString = "SELECT ProductID, ProductName,"
+ "QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, Discontinued " +
"FROM Products WHERE CategoryID = " +
args.Data["CategoryID"] +
" ORDER BY ProductName";
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlString, connection);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
args.ReportData = new DataReaderReportData(connection, reader);
Public Shared Sub GenerateSubReportUsingSqlEvent()
Dim documentLayout As New DocumentLayout(Util.GetPath("Resources/DLEXs/subreport.dlex"))
AddHandler documentLayout.ReportDataRequired, AddressOf DocumentLayout_ReportDataRequired
Dim layoutData As New LayoutData()
Dim document As Document = documentLayout.Layout(layoutData)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DocumentLayout_ReportDataRequired(sender As Object, args As ReportDataRequiredEventArgs)
If args.ElementId = "ProductsByCategoryReport" Then
Dim sqlString As String =
"SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName Name " &
"FROM Categories "
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING)
Dim command As New SqlCommand(sqlString, connection)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
args.ReportData = New DataReaderReportData(connection, reader)
ElseIf args.ElementId = "ProductsByCategorySubReport" Then
Dim sqlString As String =
"SELECT ProductID, ProductName, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, Discontinued " &
"FROM Products " &
"WHERE CategoryID = " & args.Data("CategoryID") & " " &
"ORDER BY ProductName "
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING)
Dim command As New SqlCommand(sqlString, connection)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
args.ReportData = New DataReaderReportData(connection, reader)
End If
End Sub