
A Series is a collection of values added to a plot area and then used to display an individual graph. DynamicPDF Core Suite has classes for creating area series, bar series, line series, column series, XY scatter series and pie series.

Refer to the documentation on each chart type for code examples of each type of series.

It also has classes for stacked and 100% stacked series; however, these are covered by the Stacked Series documentation and not covered here. This page discusses the following series.

When reviewing each particular series, note the parent classes of the specific series. Each series inherits most of its properties from one or more parent series.

SeriesBase, XYSeries & LegendXYSeries

All series are derived from the SeriesBase class. All series are further derived from the XYSeries and/or the LegendXYSeries (refer to the API documentation of both for a complete child class list). When working with a particular series, most of its properties are inherited from one or more of these three parent classes.

Inherited properties are only listed in the parent class.


The SeriesBase, XYSeries, and LegendXYSeries have the following properties.

SeriesBase Properties

Property Description
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)

XYSeries Properties

Property Description
BorderColor Gets or sets the Color to use for the border of the bar series.
BorderWidth Gets or sets the border width of the bar series.
Color Gets or sets the Color object to use for the color of the series.
DataLabel Gets or sets the BarColumnValuePositionDataLabel to use for the data label of the bar series. This is the default data label for the series.
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object . (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
ValueFormat Gets or sets the format to use for the value of the ValuePositionDataLabel .

LegendXYSeries Properties

Property Description
Color Gets or sets the Color object to use for the color of the series.
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
LegendLabel Gets the LegendLabel object to use for the series.
Name Gets the name of the series.
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)

Area Series

An AreaSeries inherits from the LegendXYSeries, XYSeries, and SeriesBase classes. An AreaSeries has two subclasses, DateTimeAreaSeries and IndexedAreaSeries. These subclasses both inherit the following AreaSeries properties.


Property Description
DataLabel Gets or sets the ValuePositionDataLabel of the area series. This is the default data label for the series.
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Marker Gets or sets the Marker of the area series.
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
ValueFormat Gets or sets the value format string of the area series.


A DateTimeAreaSeries is a collection of values, each corresponding to a particular point in time, plotted as an area chart. A DateTimeAreaSeries uses a DateTimeXAxis as the XAxis type and a NumericYAxis as the YAxis type. It uses the .NET Framework's DateTime structure for setting the date portion of the values in a series.


Property Description
DataLabel Gets or sets the ValuePositionDataLabel of the area series. This is the default data label for the series.
Marker Gets or sets the Marker of the area series.
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
ValueFormat Gets or sets the value format string of the area series.

The following code shows how to create and add values to a DateTimeAreaSeries.

DateTimeAreaSeries areaSeries = new DateTimeAreaSeries("Website A");
areaSeries.Values.Add(521, new DateTime(2004, 1, 1));
areaSeries.Values.Add(969, new DateTime(2004, 1, 2));
areaSeries.Values.Add(452, new DateTime(2004, 1, 3));
areaSeries.Values.Add(347, new DateTime(2004, 1, 4));        
Dim MyAreaSeries As New DateTimeAreaSeries("Website A")
MyAreaSeries.Values.Add(521, New Date(2004, 1, 1))
MyAreaSeries.Values.Add(969, New Date(2004, 1, 2))
MyAreaSeries.Values.Add(452, New Date(2004, 1, 3))
MyAreaSeries.Values.Add(347, New Date(2004, 1, 4))  

Refer to the DateTimeAreaSeries API documentation for a complete example.


An IndexedAreaSeries is a collection of values plotted as an area chart in indexed order. An IndexedAreaSeries uses an IndexedXAxis as the XAxis type and a NumericYAxis as the YAxis type.


Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Values Gets the IndexedAreaValueList object contained in the IndexedAreaSeries.
XAxis Gets the IndexedXAxis object of the series.
YAxis Gets the NumericYAxis object of the series.

The following code shows how to create and add values to an IndexedAreaSeries.

IndexedAreaSeries areaSeries = new IndexedAreaSeries("Website A");      
areaSeries.Values.Add(521, 0);
areaSeries.Values.Add(969, 1);
areaSeries.Values.Add(451, 2);
areaSeries.Values.Add(347, 3);        
Dim MyAreaSeries As IndexedAreaSeries = New IndexedAreaSeries("Website A")
MyAreaSeries.Values.Add(521, 0)
MyAreaSeries.Values.Add(969, 1)
MyAreaSeries.Values.Add(452, 2)
MyAreaSeries.Values.Add(347, 3)  

Refer to the IndexedAreaSeries API documentation for a complete example.

Bar Series

A bar chart is parent to the DateTimeBarSeries and IndexedBarSeries. A BarSeries inherits from the XYSeries, LegendXYSeries, and SeriesBase classes.


Property Description
BorderColor Gets or sets the Color to use for the border of the bar series.
BorderWidth Gets or sets the border width of the bar series.
DataLabel Gets or sets the BarColumnValuePositionDataLabel to use for the data label of the bar series. This is the default data label for the series.
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
ValueFormat Gets or sets the format to use for the value of the ValuePositionDataLabel .


A DateTimeBarSeries is a collection of values, each corresponding to a particular point in time, plotted as a bar chart. A DateTimeBarSeries uses a NumericXAxis as the XAxis type and a DateTimeYAxis as the YAxis type. It uses the .NET Framework's DateTime structure for setting the date portion of the values in the series.


Property Description
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Values Gets the DateTimeBarValueList object contained in the series.
XAxis Gets the NumericXAxis object of the series.
YAxis Gets the DateTimeYAxis object of the series.

The following code shows how to create and add values to a DateTimeBarSeries.

DateTimeBarSeries barSeries = new DateTimeBarSeries("Website A");
barSeries.Values.Add(521, new DateTime(2004, 1, 1));
barSeries.Values.Add(969, new DateTime(2004, 1, 2));
barSeries.Values.Add(452, new DateTime(2004, 1, 3));
barSeries.Values.Add(347, new DateTime(2004, 1, 4));        
Dim MyBarSeries As New DateTimeBarSeries("Website A")
MyBarSeries.Values.Add(521, New Date(2004, 1, 1))
MyBarSeries.Values.Add(969, New Date(2004, 1, 2))
MyBarSeries.Values.Add(452, New Date(2004, 1, 3))
MyBarSeries.Values.Add(347, New Date(2004, 1, 4))      

Refer to the DateTimeBarSeries API documentation for a complete example.


An IndexedBarSeries is a collection of values plotted as a bar chart in indexed order. An IndexedBarSeries uses a NumericXAxis as the XAxis type and a IndexedYAxis as the YAxis type.


Property Description
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object . (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Values Gets the IndexedBarValueList object contained in the IndexedBarSeries.
XAxis Gets the NumericXAxis object of the series.
YAxis Gets the IndexedYAxis object of the series.

The following code shows how to create and add values to an IndexedBarSeries.

IndexedBarSeries barSeries = new IndexedBarSeries("Website A");      
barSeries.Values.Add(521, 0);
barSeries.Values.Add(969, 1);
barSeries.Values.Add(451, 2);
barSeries.Values.Add(347, 3);       
Dim MyBarSeries As IndexedBarSeries = New IndexedBarSeries("Website A")
MyBarSeries.Values.Add(521, 0)
MyBarSeries.Values.Add(969, 1)
MyBarSeries.Values.Add(452, 2)
MyBarSeries.Values.Add(347, 3)  

Refer to the IndexedBarSeries API documentation for a complete example.

Line Series

A LineSeries is a collection of values plotted as a line and is parent of the DateTimeLineSeries and IndexedLineSeries classes. The LineSeries inherits from the XYSeries, LegendXYSeries, and SeriesBase classes.


Property Description
DataLabel Gets or sets the ValuePositionDataLabel of the line series. This is the default data label for the series.
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
LineCap Gets or sets the LineCap of the LineSeries.
LineJoin Gets or sets the LineJoin.
LineStyle Gets or sets the LineStyle.
Marker Gets or sets the Marker of the line series.
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
ValueFormat Gets or sets the ValueFormat.
Width Gets or sets the LineWidth.


A DateTimeLineSeries is a collection of values, each corresponding to a particular point in time, plotted as a line graph. It uses the .NET Framework's DateTime structure for setting the date portion of the values in the series. A DateTimeLineSeries uses a DateTimeXAxis as the XAxis type and a NumericYAxis as the YAxis type.


Property Description
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Values Gets the DateTimeLineValueList object contained in the DateTimeLineSeries.
XAxis Gets the DateTimeXAxis object of the series.
YAxis Gets the NumericYAxis object of the series.

The following code shows how to create and add values to a DateTimeLineSeries.

DateTimeLineSeries lineSeries = new DateTimeLineSeries("Website A");
lineSeries.Values.Add(521, new DateTime(2004, 1, 1));
lineSeries.Values.Add(969, new DateTime(2004, 1, 2));
lineSeries.Values.Add(452, new DateTime(2004, 1, 3));
lineSeries.Values.Add(347, new DateTime(2004, 1, 4));        
Dim MyLineSeries As New DateTimeLineSeries("Website A")
MyLineSeries.Values.Add(521, New Date(2004, 1, 1))
MyLineSeries.Values.Add(969, New Date(2004, 1, 2))
MyLineSeries.Values.Add(452, New Date(2004, 1, 3))
MyLineSeries.Values.Add(347, New Date(2004, 1, 4))      

Refer to the DateTimeLineSeries API documentation for a complete example.


An IndexedLineSeries is a collection of values plotted as a line graph in indexed order. An IndexedLineSeries uses an IndexedXAxis as the XAxis type and a NumericYAxis as the YAxis type.


Property Description
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Values Gets the IndexedLineValueList object contained in the IndexedLineSeries.
XAxis Gets the IndexedXAxis object of the series.
YAxis Gets the NumericYAxis object of the series.

The following code shows how to create and add values to an IndexedLineSeries.

IndexedLineSeries lineSeries = new IndexedLineSeries("Website A");      
lineSeries.Values.Add(521, 0);
lineSeries.Values.Add(969, 1);
lineSeries.Values.Add(451, 2);
lineSeries.Values.Add(347, 3);      
Dim MyLineSeries As IndexedLineSeries = New IndexedLineSeries("Website A")
MyLineSeries.Values.Add(521, 0)
MyLineSeries.Values.Add(969, 1)
MyLineSeries.Values.Add(452, 2)
MyLineSeries.Values.Add(347, 3)      

Refer to the IndexedLineSeries API documentation for a complete example.

Column Series

A ColumnSeries displays data as columns and has two types of series, DateTimeColumnSeries and IndexedColumnSeries. A ColumnSeries inherits from the XYSeries, LegendXYSeries, and BaseSeries classes.


Property Description
BorderWidth Gets or sets the border width of the column series.
DataLabel Gets or sets the BarColumnValuePositionDataLabel to use for the data label of the column series. This is the default data label for the series.
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
ValueFormat Gets or sets the format to use for the value of the ValuePositionDataLabel object.


A DateTimeColumnSeries is a collection of values corresponding to a particular point in time plotted as a column chart. A DateTimeColumnSeries uses a DateTimeXAxis as the XAxis type and a NumericYAxis as the YAxis type. It uses the .NET Framework's DateTime structure for setting the date portion of the values in the series.


Property Description
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Values Gets the DateTimeColumnValueList object contained in the DateTimeColumnSeries.
XAxis Gets the DateTimeXAxis object of the series.
YAxis Gets the NumericYAxis object of the series.

The following code shows how to create and add values to a DateTimeColumnSeries.

DateTimeColumnSeries columnSeries = new DateTimeColumnSeries("Website A");
columnSeries.Values.Add(521, new DateTime(2004, 1, 1));
columnSeries.Values.Add(969, new DateTime(2004, 1, 2));
columnSeries.Values.Add(452, new DateTime(2004, 1, 3));
columnSeries.Values.Add(347, new DateTime(2004, 1, 4));       
Dim MyColumnSeries As New DateTimeColumnSeries("Website A")
MyColumnSeries.Values.Add(521, New Date(2004, 1, 1))
MyColumnSeries.Values.Add(969, New Date(2004, 1, 2))
MyColumnSeries.Values.Add(452, New Date(2004, 1, 3))
MyColumnSeries.Values.Add(347, New Date(2004, 1, 4))      

Refer to the DateTimeColumnSeries API documentation for a complete example.


An IndexedColumnSeries is a collection of values plotted as a column chart in indexed order. An IndexedColumnSeries uses an IndexedXAxis as the XAxis type and a NumericYAxis as the YAxis type.


Property Description
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Values Gets the IndexedColumnValueList object contained in the IndexedColumnSeries.
XAxis Gets the IndexedXAxis object of the series.
YAxis Gets the NumericYAxis object of the series.

The following code shows how to create and add values to an IndexedColumnSeries.

IndexedColumnSeries columnSeries = new IndexedColumnSeries("Website A");      
columnSeries.Values.Add(521, 0);
columnSeries.Values.Add(969, 1);
columnSeries.Values.Add(451, 2);
columnSeries.Values.Add(347, 3);        
Dim MyColumnSeries As IndexedColumnSeries = New IndexedColumnSeries("Website A")
MyColumnSeries.Values.Add(521, 0)
MyColumnSeries.Values.Add(969, 1)
MyColumnSeries.Values.Add(452, 2)
MyColumnSeries.Values.Add(347, 3)      

Refer to the IndexedColumnSeries API documentation for a complete example.


An XYScatterSeries is a collection of values plotted as an XYScatter chart. It is child class to the XYSeries, LegendXYSeries, and SeriesBase classes. An XYScatterSeries uses a NumericXAxis as the XAxis type and a NumericYAxis as the YAxis type.


Property Description
DataLabel Gets or sets the XYScatterDataLabel of the XYScatter series. This is the default data label for the series.
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
LineCap Gets or sets the LineCap of the XYScatterSeries.
LineDisplay Gets or sets the LineDisplay status of the XYScatterSeries.
LineJoin Gets or sets the LineJoin of the XYScatterSeries.
LineStyle Gets or sets the LineStyle of the XYScatterSeries.
Marker Gets or sets the Marker of the XYScatter series.
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Values Gets the XYScatterValueList of the XYScatterSeries.
Width Gets or sets the LineWidth of the XYScatterSeries.
XAxis Gets the NumericXAxis of the series.
XValueFormat Gets or sets the XValueFormatString of the XYScatterSeries.
YAxis Gets the NumericYAxis of the series.
YValueFormat Gets or sets the YValueFormatString of the XYScatterSeries.

The following code shows how to create and add values to a XYScatterSeries.

XYScatterSeries xyScatterSeries = new XYScatterSeries("Website A");
Dim MyXYScatterSeries As XYScatterSeries = New XYScatterSeries("Website A")
MyXYScatterSeries.Values.Add(59, 10)
MyXYScatterSeries.Values.Add(75, 15)
MyXYScatterSeries.Values.Add(92, 25)
MyXYScatterSeries.Values.Add(63, 30)
MyXYScatterSeries.Values.Add(45, 43)      

Refer to the XYScatterSeries API documentation for a complete example.


A PieSeries is a collection of values plotted as a pie chart. A PieSeries does not use any XAxis or YAxis. A PieSeries only inherits from the SeriesBase parent class.


Property Description
BorderWidth Gets or sets the BorderWidth of the PieSeries.
DataLabel Gets or sets the ScalarDataLabel object to use for the data label of the PieSeries. This is the default data label for the series.
DataLabelPosition Gets or sets ScalarDataLabelPosition enumeration that specifies the display position of the data label.
Elements Gets the PieSeriesElementList object contained in the PieSeries.
Height Gets the height.
Label Gets or sets the SeriesLabel object to use for the name of the PieSeries.
Legend Gets or sets the Legend object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
PercentageFormat Gets or sets the format to use for the percentage of the ScalarDataLabel object.
PlotArea Gets the PlotArea object. (Inherited from PlotAreaElement)
Radius Gets or sets the radius.
StartAngle Gets or sets the StartAngle.
ValueFormat Gets or sets the format to use for the value of the ScalarDataLabel object.
Width Gets the width of the PieSeries.
X Gets the X coordinate.
XOffset Gets or sets the XOffset.
Y Gets the Y coordinate.
YOffset Gets or sets the YOffset .

The following code shows how to create and add values to a PieSeries.

PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries();       
pieSeries.Elements.Add(13,"Product A");
pieSeries.Elements.Add(13,"Product B");
pieSeries.Elements.Add(13,"Product C");
pieSeries.Elements.Add(13,"Product D");
pieSeries.Elements.Add(13,"Product E");        
Dim MyPieSeries As PieSeries = New PieSeries()
MyPieSeries.Elements.Add(13, "Product A")
MyPieSeries.Elements.Add(13, "Product B")
MyPieSeries.Elements.Add(13, "Product C")
MyPieSeries.Elements.Add(13, "Product D")
MyPieSeries.Elements.Add(13, "Product E")      

Refer to the PieSeries API documentation for a complete example.

In this topic