Grid Lines

GridLines are vertical and horizontal lines added in conjunction with tick marks on the x-axis (XAxis) and y-axis (YAxis), respectively. Adding grid lines help makes it easier to read and interpret chart data. There are two types of grid lines: XAxisGridLines and YAxisGridLines, both of which are inherited from the GridLines class.


The GridLines class is the parent of XAxisGridLines and YAxisGridLines and has the following properties for customizing a gridline's appearance.


Property Description
Color Gets or sets the Color object to use for the color of the grid lines.
Interval Gets or sets the interval of the grid lines.
LineStyle Gets or sets the LineStyle enumeration that specifies the line style of the grid lines.
Visible Gets or sets the visible status of the grid lines on the plot area. By default it is True.
Width Gets or sets the width of the grid lines.

Customizing a gridline's appearance, such as thickness or color, requires customizing the axis tick marks if you wish for a consistent appearance.


Add XAxisGridLines vertically to a plot area setting either the MajorGridLines or MinorGridLines property in XAxis. The major gridlines are placed at the same intervals as the x-axis major tick marks, and the minor gridlines are placed at the same intervals as the x-axis minor tick marks.

The following code illustrates adding XAxisGridLines.

Chart chart = new Chart(0, 0, 300, 200);
PlotArea plotArea = chart.PrimaryPlotArea;
plotArea.XAxes.DefaultNumericXAxis.MajorGridLines = new XAxisGridLines();
plotArea.XAxes.DefaultNumericXAxis.MinorGridLines = new XAxisGridLines();        
Dim MyChart As Chart = New Chart(0, 0, 300, 200)
Dim MyPlotArea = MyChart.PrimaryPlotArea
MyPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultNumericXAxis.MajorGridLines = New XAxisGridLines()
MyPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultNumericXAxis.MinorGridLines = New XAxisGridLines()  


Add YAxisGridLines horizontally to a plot area setting either the MajorGridLines or MinorGridLines property in YAxis. Major gridlines are placed at the same intervals as the y-axis major tick marks, and the minor gridlines are placed at the same intervals as the y-axis minor tick marks.

The following code illustrates adding YAxisGridLines.

Chart chart = new Chart(0, 0, 300, 200);
PlotArea plotArea = chart.PrimaryPlotArea;
plotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericYAxis.MajorGridLines = new YAxisGridLines();
plotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericYAxis.MinorGridLines = new YAxisGridLines();        
Dim MyChart As Chart = New Chart(0, 0, 300, 200)
Dim MyPlotArea = MyChart.PrimaryPlotArea
MyPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericYAxis.MajorGridLines = New YAxisGridLines()
MyPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericYAxis.MinorGridLines = New YAxisGridLines()


The following illustrates creating grid lines for a line chart.

Document document = new();
document.Pages.Add(new Page(PageSize.Letter, PageOrientation.Landscape));
Chart chart = new Chart(0, 0, 500, 500);
IndexedLineSeries ls = new IndexedLineSeries("Website A");
ls.Values.Add(new float[] { 48, 83, 19, 23 });
IndexedLineSeries ls2 = new IndexedLineSeries("Website B");
ls2.Values.Add(new float[] { 52, 74, 9, 21 });
IndexedLineSeries ls3 = new IndexedLineSeries("Website C");
ls3.Values.Add(new float[] { 15, 43, 12, 8 });


Title title = new Title("Page Views");

ls.XAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedXAxisLabel("Home", 0));
ls.XAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedXAxisLabel("Examples", 1));
ls.XAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedXAxisLabel("About", 2));
ls.XAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedXAxisLabel("Ordering", 3));
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorGridLines = new XAxisGridLines();
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MinorGridLines = new XAxisGridLines();
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorGridLines = new YAxisGridLines();
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorTickMarks = new YAxisTickMarks();
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MinorTickMarks = new YAxisTickMarks();
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorTickMarks = new XAxisTickMarks();
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorGridLines.Color = RgbColor.Navy;
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorGridLines.LineStyle = LineStyle.DashLarge;
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MinorGridLines.LineStyle = LineStyle.DashSmall;
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MinorGridLines.Color = RgbColor.LightBlue;
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorGridLines.LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid;
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorGridLines.Color = RgbColor.LightGrey;
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorTickMarks.Color = RgbColor.LightGrey;
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MinorTickMarss.Visible = false;
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorTickMarks.Visible = false;

Title title2 = new Title("Page");
ls.XAxis.Labels.Angle = 45;
ls.XAxis.LabelOffset = 5;
ls.XAxis.Labels.TextColor = RgbColor.Green;
ls.XAxis.Labels.FontSize = 8;
ls.XAxis.TitlePosition = XAxisTitlePosition.AboveXAxis;
ls.XAxis.Titles[0].TextColor = RgbColor.Navy;

Dim document As New Document()
document.Pages.Add(New Page(PageSize.Letter, PageOrientation.Landscape))

Dim chart As New Chart(0, 0, 500, 500)

Dim ls As New IndexedLineSeries("Website A")
ls.Values.Add(New Single() {48, 83, 19, 23})

Dim ls2 As New IndexedLineSeries("Website B")
ls2.Values.Add(New Single() {52, 74, 9, 21})

Dim ls3 As New IndexedLineSeries("Website C")
ls3.Values.Add(New Single() {15, 43, 12, 8})


Dim title As New Title("Page Views")

ls.XAxis.Labels.Add(New IndexedXAxisLabel("Home", 0))
ls.XAxis.Labels.Add(New IndexedXAxisLabel("Examples", 1))
ls.XAxis.Labels.Add(New IndexedXAxisLabel("About", 2))
ls.XAxis.Labels.Add(New IndexedXAxisLabel("Ordering", 3))

chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorGridLines = New XAxisGridLines()
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MinorGridLines = New XAxisGridLines()
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorGridLines = New YAxisGridLines()
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorTickMarks = New YAxisTickMarks()
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MinorTickMarks = New YAxisTickMarks()
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorTickMarks = New XAxisTickMarks()
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorGridLines.Color = RgbColor.Navy
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorGridLines.LineStyle = LineStyle.DashLarge
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MinorGridLines.LineStyle = LineStyle.DashSmall
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MinorGridLines.Color = RgbColor.LightBlue
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorGridLines.LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorGridLines.Color = RgbColor.LightGrey
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorTickMarks.Color = RgbColor.LightGrey
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MinorTickMarks.Visible = False
chart.PrimaryPlotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorTickMarks.Visible = False

Dim title2 As New Title("Page")

ls.XAxis.Labels.Angle = 45
ls.XAxis.LabelOffset = 5
ls.XAxis.Labels.TextColor = RgbColor.Green
ls.XAxis.Labels.FontSize = 8
ls.XAxis.TitlePosition = XAxisTitlePosition.AboveXAxis
ls.XAxis.Titles(0).TextColor = RgbColor.Navy


Figure 1. Line chart with grid lines.

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