An axis is a reference line measuring distances or angles in a coordinate system. One or more axis are contained in a plot area. A PlotArea will have one default x-axis (XAxis) and one default y-axis (YAxis). But a PlotArea is not limited to the default axis and can have multiple x-axis and y-axes.
Each of the different series types has a specific type of axis created by default, not the user. For example, the DateTimeAreaSeries, the DateTimeBarSeries, DateTimeColumnSeries, and DateTimeLineSeries all have a DateTimeXAxis and a NumericYAxis.
A PlotArea has a Series property that specifies a SeriesList. A SeriesList has an Add method, which creates the appropriate axis when adding a series to the SeriesList.
Unless expressly specified, a series creates the appropriate axis class subclass and assigns the appropriate values for the axis by default.
Axis By Series
The following table lists the series and the x-axis and y-axis associated with the series.
See the API documentation for each axis type for a complete code example.
An x-axis (specified by the XAxis class) is the horizontal axis of a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. To change an XAxis position - on the plot area's bottom by default - use the XAxisAnchorType enumeration.
To specify a series-specific type of x-axis, use code similar to the following (using the appropriate XAxis subclass depending upon the series).
NumericXAxis axis = barSeries.XAxis;
DateTimeXAxis axis2 = dateTimeSeries.XAxis;
Dim MyAxis As NumericXAxis = MyBarSeries.XAxis
Dim MyAxis2 AS DateTimeXAxis = MyDateTimeSeries.XAxis
The XAxis creates the appropriate default x-axis if not specified. It can be retrieved from the PlotArea or Series after adding the Series to SeriesList.
The XAxis has the following sub-classes for each of the different x-axis types (see table above).
- NumericXAxis
- DateTimeXAxis
- PercentageXAxis
- IndexedXAxis
XAxis Properties
The XAxis class has the following properties inherited by all the specific XAxis subclasses.
Refer to the API documentation for properties specific to each XAxis subclass.
Property | Description |
AnchorType | Gets or sets the XAxisAnchorType enumeration that specifies the position of the XAxis. |
LabelFormat | Gets or sets the format of the labels. (Inherited from Axis) |
LabelOffset | Gets or sets the label offset of the axis. (Inherited from Axis) |
LabelPosition | Gets or sets the XAxisLabelPosition enumeration that specifies the position of the labels. |
LineColor | Gets or sets the Color object to use for the line color of the axis. (Inherited from (Axis) |
LineStyle | Gets or sets the LineStyle object specifying the line style of the axis. (Inherited from (Axis) |
LineWidth | Gets or sets the line width of the axis. (Inherited from Axis) |
MajorGridLines | Gets or sets the XAxisGridLines object to use for the MajorGridLines of the XAxis. |
MajorTickMarks | Gets or sets the XAxisTickMarks object to use for the MajorTickMarks of the XAxis. |
MinorGridLines | Gets or sets the XAxisGridLines object to use for the MinorGridLines of the XAxis. |
MinorTickMarks | Gets or sets the XAxisTickMarks object to use for the MinorTickMarks of the XAxis. |
Offset | Gets or sets the offset of the axis. (Inherited from Axis) |
TitlePosition | Gets or sets the XAxisTitlePosition enumeration that specifies the position of the Title. |
Titles | Gets the TitleList object to use for the Title of the XAxis. |
Visible | Gets or sets the visible status of the axis. By default it is True . (Inherited from Axis) |
It is unnecessary to set maximum or minimum values or intervals for an axis, as the provided data calculate these values. However, the x-axis subclasses also have Min, Max, and Interval properties for specifying the minimum and maximum series values. But be sure to set the subclass label's AutoLabels property to False
myAxis.Min = 185;
myYAxis.Max = 235;
myYAxis.Interval = 10;
myYAxis.Labels.AutoLabels = False;
The NumericXAxis uses numeric data, displays the values using NumericXAxisLabels, and places the NumericXAxis on the plot area. See the table above for a listing showing the series that use a NumericXAxis.
Refer to the NumericXAxis API documentation for a complete example.
The DateTimeXAxis uses date and time data, displays the values using DateTimeXAxisLabels, and places the DateTimeXAxis on the plot area. See the table above for a listing showing the series that use a DateTimeXAxis.
Refer to the DateTimeXAxis API documentation for a complete example.
The PercentageXAxis uses numeric data in percentage format, displays the values using PercentageXAxisLabels, and places the PercentageXAxis on the plot area. See the table above for a listing showing the series that use a PercentageXAxis.
Refer to the PercentageXAxis API documentation for a complete example.
The IndexedXAxis uses non-numeric data, displays the values using IndexedXAxisLabel, and places the IndexedXAxis on the plot area. See the table above for a listing showing the series that uses an IndexedXAxis.
Refer to the IndexedXAxis API documentation for a complete example.
A y-axis (specified by the YAxis class) is the vertical axis of a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. To change the y-axis - to the left of the plot area by default - use the YAxisAnchorType enumeration.
A y-axis position can also be changed to the plot area's right or floating (refer to the YAxisAnchorType API documentation for details).
myYAxis.AnchorType = YAxisAnchorType.Left;
To specify a specific type of y-axis from a series, use code similar to the following (using the appropriate YAxis subclass depending upon the series).
IndexedYAxis yAxis = barSeries.YAxis;
NumericYAxis yAxis2 = dateTimeSeries.YAxis;
Dim MyYAxis As IndexedYAxis = MyBarSeries.YAxis
Dim MyYAxis2 As NumericYAxis = MyDateTimeSeries.YAxis;
The YAxis uses the appropriate default y-axis if not specified. The default y-axis type can be retrieved from the PlotArea or Series after adding the series to the SeriesList.
The YAxis has the following sub-classes for each y-axis type (see table above).
- NumericYAxis
- DateTimeYAxis
- PercentageYAxis
- IndexedYAxis
YAxis Properties
The YAxis class has the following properties inherited by all the specific YAxis subclasses.
Refer to the API documentation for properties specific to each YAxis subclass.
Property | Description |
AnchorType | Gets or sets the YAxisAnchorType enumeration that specifies the position of the YAxis. |
LabelFormat | Gets or sets the format of the labels. (Inherited from Axis) |
LabelOffset | Gets or sets the label offset of the axis. (Inherited from Axis) |
LabelPosition | Gets or sets the YAxisLabelPosition enumeration that specifies the position of the labels. |
LineColor | Gets or sets the Color object to use for the line color of the axis. (Inherited from Axis) |
LineStyle | Gets or sets the LineStyle object specifying the line style of the axis. (Inherited from Axis). |
LineWidth | Gets or sets the line width of the axis. (Inherited from Axis) |
MajorGridLines | Gets or sets the YAxisGridLines object to use for the MajorGridLines of the YAxis. |
MajorTickMarks | Gets or sets the YAxisTickMarks object to use for the MajorTickMarks of the YAxis. |
MinorGridLines | Gets or sets the YAxisGridLines object to use for the MinorGridLines of the YAxis. |
MinorTickMarks | Gets or sets the YAxisTickMarks object to use for the MinorTickMarks of the YAxis. |
Offset | Gets or sets the offset of the axis. (Inherited from Axis) |
TitlePosition | Gets or sets YAxisTitlePosition enumeration that specifies the position of the Title. |
Titles | Gets or sets the Title object to use for the title of the YAxis. |
Visible | Gets or sets the visible status of the axis. By default it is true. (Inherited from Axis) |
It is unnecessary to set maximum or minimum values or intervals for an axis, as the provided data calculate these values. However, the y-axis subclasses also have Min, Max, and Interval properties for specifying the minimum and maximum series values. But be sure to set the subclass label's AutoLabels property to False
myAxis.Min = 185;
myYAxis.Max = 235;
myYAxis.Interval = 10;
myYAxis.Labels.AutoLabels = False;
The NumericYAxis uses numeric data, displays the values using NumericYAxisLabels, and places the NumericYAxis on the plot area. See the table above for a listing showing the series that use a NumericYAxis.
Refer to the NumericYAxis API documentation for a complete example.
The DateTimeYAxis uses date and time data, displays the values using DateTimeYAxisLabels, and places the DateTimeYAxis on the plot area. See the table above for a listing showing the series that use a DateTimeYAxis.
Refer to the DateTimeYAxis API documentation for a complete example.
The PercentageYAxis uses numeric data in percentage format, displays the values using PercentageYAxisLabels, and places the PercentageYAxis on the plot area. See the table above for a listing showing the series that use a PercentageYAxis.
Refer to the PercentageYAxis API documentation for a complete example.
The IndexedYAxis uses non-numeric data, displays the values using IndexedYAxisLabels, and places the IndexedYAxis on the plot area. See the table above for a listing showing the series that uses an IndexedYAxis.
Refer to the IndexedYAxis API documentation for a complete example.