Attachment | Represents Attachments present in PDFDocument |
AutoPalette | Represents an AutoPalette class which can be used to create an image specific palette. |
BmpColorFormat | Base class that represents an color format supported by BMP image format. |
BmpImageFormat | Represents a BMP image format. |
BmpMonochromeColorFormat | Represents a monochrome color format supported by BMP. |
BmpRgbColorFormat | Represents a RGB color format supported by BMP image. |
DocumentLoadException | Represents a DocumentLoadException |
DpiImageSize | Represents a DPI image size. |
FixedImageSize | Represents a fixed image size. |
GifImageFormat | Represents a GIF image format. |
ImageFormat | Base class that represents an image format. |
ImageSize | Base class which represents an image size. |
InputPdf | Represents an input PDF. |
InputPdfPage | Represents a page in an input PDF. |
InputPdfPageList | Represents a list of input PDF pages. |
InvalidPasswordException | Represents an InvalidPasswordException |
JpegImageFormat | Represents a JPEG image format. |
LicensingException | Represents a licensing exception. |
MaxImageSize | Represents a maximum image size. |
Palette | Base class that represents a palette. |
PdfRasterizer | Represents a PDF rasterizer. |
PdfRasterizerException | Represents a PdfRasterizerException |
PdfRasterizerPage | Represents a page of the PDF rasterizer. |
PdfRasterizerPageList | Represents a list of pages to rasterize. |
PercentageImageSize | Represents a percentage image size. |
PngColorFormat | Base class that represents an color format supported by PNG image format. |
PngGrayscaleColorFormat | Represents a grayscale color format supported by PNG. |
PngImageFormat | Represents a PNG image format. |
PngIndexedColorFormat | Represents an indexed color format supported by PNG. |
PngMonochromeColorFormat | Represents a monochrome color format supported by PNG. |
PngRgbAColorFormat | Represents a RGBA color format supported by PNG. |
PngRgbColorFormat | Represents a RGB color format supported by PNG. |
RasterizerProgressChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the RasterizerProgress event. |
RectangleF | Stores a set of four floating-point numbers that represent the location and size of a rectangle. |
TiffColorFormat | Base class that represents a color format supported by TIFF image format. |
TiffGrayscaleColorFormat | Represents a grayscale color format supported by TIFF. |
TiffImageFormat | Represents a TIFF image format |
TiffIndexedColorFormat | Represents an indexed color format supported by TIFF. |
TiffMonochromeColorFormat | Represents a monochrome color format supported by TIFF. |
TiffRgbColorFormat | Represents a RGB color format supported by TIFF. |
UnitConverter | Utility for converting to and from typesetting points. |
UserPalette | Represents an UserPalette class which can be used to specify a color palette. |
WebPalette | Represents a Web palette. |
WindowsPalette | Represents a Windows palette. |