
Represents the fax options.

public class FaxOptions
Public Class FaxOptions

Inheritance: ObjectFaxOptions

Licensing Info

This class is a DynamicPDF PrintManager feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


The following examples creates a fax print job, sets fax options and sends the fax.

Imports System
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.Printing

Module MyModule

    Sub Main()

        ' Create a fax print job
        Dim MyFaxPrintJob As FaxPrintJob = New FaxPrintJob("FaxPrinterName", "1-555-389-4567", "C:\MyDocument.pdf")

        ' Set fax option values
        MyFaxPrintJob.FaxOptions.RecipientName = "RecipientName"
        MyFaxPrintJob.FaxOptions.SenderBillingCode = "SenderBillingCode"
        MyFaxPrintJob.FaxOptions.SenderCompany = "CompanyName"
        MyFaxPrintJob.FaxOptions.SenderDept = "DepartmentName"
        MyFaxPrintJob.FaxOptions.SenderName = "SenderName"

        ' Send the fax
    End Sub
End Module
using System;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.Printing;

class MyClass
    static void Main()
        // Create a fax print job
        FaxPrintJob faxPrintJob = new FaxPrintJob("FaxPrinterName", "1-555-465-1177", @"C:\MyDocument.pdf");

        // Set fax option values
        faxPrintJob.FaxOptions.RecipientName = "RecipientName";
        faxPrintJob.FaxOptions.SenderBillingCode = "SenderBillingCode";
        faxPrintJob.FaxOptions.SenderCompany = "CompanyName";
        faxPrintJob.FaxOptions.SenderDept = "DepartmentName";
        faxPrintJob.FaxOptions.SenderName = "SenderName";

        // Send the fax


CoverPageGets or sets the FaxCoverPage object that represents the cover page for the fax document.
RecipientNameGets or sets the name of the recipient.
RecipientNumberGets or sets the fax number associated with the recipient.
SenderBillingCodeGets or sets the billing code associated with the sender.
SenderCompanyGets or sets the company name of the sender.
SenderDeptGets or sets the department associated with the sender.
SenderNameGets or sets the name of the sender.


Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)

See Also


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