XAxisLabelPosition Enum

Represents the position of the XAxisLabels.

public enum XAxisLabelPosition
Public Enum XAxisLabelPosition

Inheritance: ObjectValueTypeEnumXAxisLabelPosition


XAxisLabelPosition.AbovePlotArea1Shows the axis labels above the plot area.
XAxisLabelPosition.AboveXAxis3Shows the axis labels above the XAxis.
XAxisLabelPosition.Automatic4Shows the axis labels automatically below or above the XAxis depending on the X anchor type.
XAxisLabelPosition.BelowPlotArea0Shows the axis labels below the plot area.
XAxisLabelPosition.BelowXAxis2Shows the axis labels below the XAxis.

Licensing Info

This enum is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:

See Also


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