Class represents the PDF operators.
public abstract class OperatorWriter : Resource
Public MustInherit Class OperatorWriter
Inherits Resource
Inheritance: ObjectResourceOperatorWriter
Derived: PageWriter
Licensing Info
This class is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:
- An active DynamicPDF Ultimate Subscription
- An active DynamicPDF Professional or Professional Plus Subscription with DynamicPDF Core Suite selected.
- A DynamicPDF Core Suite for .NET v12.X Developer License.
Dimensions | Gets the dimensions of the current area. |
Document | Gets the Document object the page writer belongs to. |
DocumentWriter | Gets the DocumentWriter object the page writer is currently drawing to. |
RequiredPdfObjects | Gets the number of PDF objects required by the Symbol font. |
ResourceType | Gets the type of resource. (Inherited from Resource) |
Uid | Gets the unique ID of the resource. (Inherited from Resource) |
Draw(DocumentWriter) | Draws the resource to the given DocumentWriter object. (Inherited from Resource) |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object . (Inherited from Object) |
GetHashCode() | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
ResetDimensions() | Resets the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetCharacterSpacing(Single) | Sets the character spacing for text on the page. |
SetDimensionsRotate(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Transforms the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetDimensionsRotate(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Transforms the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetDimensionsScale(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Transforms the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetDimensionsShift(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Transforms the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetDimensionsSimpleRotate(Single, Single, Single) | Transforms the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetDimensionsSimpleRotate(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Transforms the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetDimensionsTransform(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Transforms the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetDimensionsTransform(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Transforms the coordinate space for the current area. |
SetFillColor(Color) | Sets the fill color for the page. |
SetFont(Font, Single) | Sets the font and font size for text on the page. |
SetGraphicsMode() | Sets the page to graphics mode. |
SetHorizontalScaling(Single) | Sets the horizontal scaling for text on the page. |
SetLeading(Single) | Sets the leading for text on the page. |
SetLineCap(LineCap) | Sets the line cap style for paths on the page. |
SetLineJoin(LineJoin) | Sets the line join style for paths on the page. |
SetLineStyle(LineStyle) | Sets the line style for the page. |
SetLineWidth(Single) | Sets the line width for the page. |
SetMiterLimit(Single) | Sets the miterLimit for paths on the page. |
SetRelativeToState(RelativeTo, Boolean) | Assigns the relative position for placement of the page element on the page. |
SetStrokeColor(Color) | Sets the stoke color for the page. |
SetTextDefaults() | Sets the text properties render mode, character space, word space, horizontal scale, and text rise to the defaults. |
SetTextMode() | Sets the page to text mode. |
SetTextRenderingMode(TextRenderingMode) | Sets text rendering mode for text on the page. |
SetTextRise(Single) | Sets text rise for text on the page. |
SetWordSpacing(Single) | Sets the word spacing for text on the page. |
ToString() | Returns a String that represents the current Object . (Inherited from Object) |
Write(Byte[]) | Writes a byte array to the page. |
Write(Byte[], Int32) | Writes a portion of a byte array to the page. |
Write(Byte[], Int32, Int32) | Writes a portion of a byte array to the page. |
Write(Int32) | Writes an integer to the page. |
Write(Single) | Writes a floating point number to the page. |
WriteColorValue(Byte) | Writes an color value to the page. |
WriteName(Byte) | Writes a byte to the page. |
WriteName(Byte[]) | Writes a byte array to the page. |
WriteNewLine() | Writes a new line to the page. |
WritePair(Single, Single) | Writes a pair of numbers to the page. |
WritePoint(Single, Single) | Writes a point to the page adjusted to PDF coordinates. |
WritePointX(Single) | Writes an X coordinate to the page adjusted to the PDF coordinate. |
WritePointY(Single) | Writes an X coordinate to the page adjusted to the PDF coordinate. |
WriteSpace() | Writes a space to the page. |
Write_B() | Writes a PDF "B" operator to the page. |
Write_BI() | Writes a PDF "BI" operator to the page. |
Write_BT() | Writes a PDF "BT" operator to the page. |
Write_Bx() | Writes a PDF "B*" operator to the page. |
Write_bx_() | Writes a PDF "b*" operator to the page. |
Write_b_() | Writes a PDF "b" operator to the page. |
Write_c(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "c" operator to the page. |
Write_cm(Single) | Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page. |
Write_cm(Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page. |
Write_cm(Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page. |
Write_cm(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page. |
Write_cm(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page. |
Write_d(Int32, Int32) | Writes a PDF "d" operator to the page. |
Write_d(LineStyle) | Writes a PDF "d" operator to the page. |
Write_Do(Resource) | Abstract method for writing "DO" operator to the page. |
Write_DQuote(Single, Single, Char[], Int32, Int32, Boolean) | Writes a PDF Double Quote (""") operator to the page. |
Write_EI() | Writes a PDF "EI" operator to the page. |
Write_ET() | Writes a PDF "ET" operator to the page. |
Write_f() | Writes a PDF "f" operator to the page. |
Write_fx() | Writes a PDF "f*" operator to the page. |
Write_G(Grayscale) | Writes a PDF "G" operator to the page. |
Write_g_(Grayscale) | Writes a PDF "g" operator to the page. |
Write_h() | Writes a PDF "h" operator to the page. |
Write_ID() | Writes a PDF "ID" operator to the page. |
Write_J(LineCap) | Writes a PDF "J" operator to the page. |
Write_j_(LineJoin) | Writes a PDF "j" operator to the page. |
Write_K(CmykColor) | Writes a PDF "K" operator to the page. |
Write_k_(CmykColor) | Writes a PDF "k" operator to the page. |
Write_l_(Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "l" operator to the page. |
Write_M(Single) | Writes a PDF "M" operator to the page. |
Write_m_(Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "m" operator to the page. |
Write_n() | Writes a PDF "n" operator to the page. |
Write_Q() | Writes a PDF "Q" operator to the page. PageWriterState is not restored. |
Write_Q(Boolean) | Writes a PDF "G" operator to the page. |
Write_q_() | Writes a PDF "q" operator to the page. PageWriterState is not stored. |
Write_q_(Boolean) | Writes a PDF "q" operator to the page. |
Write_re(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "re" operator to the page. |
Write_RG(RgbColor) | Writes a PDF "RG" operator to the page. |
Write_rg_(RgbColor) | Writes a PDF "rg" operator to the page. |
Write_S() | Writes a PDF "S" operator to the page. |
Write_SQuote(Char[], Int32, Int32, Boolean) | Writes a PDF Single Quote ("'") operator to the page. |
Write_s_() | Writes a PDF "s" operator to the page. |
Write_Tc(Single) | Writes a PDF "Tc" operator to the page. |
Write_TD(Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "TD" operator to the page. |
Write_Td_(Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "Td" operator to the page. |
Write_Tf(Font, Single) | Writes a PDF "Tf" operator to the page. |
Write_TJ(Char[], Int32, Int32, Single, Boolean) | Writes a PDF "TJ" operator to the page. |
Write_Tj_(Char[], Boolean) | Writes a PDF "Tj" operator to the page. |
Write_Tj_(Char[], Int32, Int32, Boolean) | Writes a PDF "Tj" operator to the page. |
Write_TJ_Close() | Closes the opened TJ array. |
Write_TJ_Open() | Opens array for writting TJ operator. |
Write_TJ_SpaceLength(Int32) | Writes Space length in between two chars. |
Write_TJ_Text(Char[], Int32, Int32, Boolean) | Writes the given text inside the TJ array. Required to open TJ array. |
Write_TL(Single) | Writes a PDF "TL" operator to the page. |
Write_Tm(Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "Tm" operator to the page. |
Write_Tm(Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "Tm" operator to the page. |
Write_Tm(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "Tm" operator to the page. |
Write_Tm(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "Tm" operator to the page. |
Write_Tr(TextRenderingMode) | Writes a PDF "Tr" operator to the page. |
Write_Ts(Single) | Writes a PDF "Ts" operator to the page. |
Write_Tw(Single) | Writes a PDF "Tw" operator to the page. |
Write_Tx() | Writes a PDF "Tx" operator to the page. |
Write_Tz(Single) | Writes a PDF "Tz" operator to the page. |
Write_v(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "v" operator to the page. |
Write_W() | Writes a PDF "W" operator to the page. |
Write_Wx() | Writes a PDF "W*" operator to the page. |
Write_w_(Single) | Writes a PDF "w" operator to the page. |
Write_y(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Writes a PDF "y" operator to the page. |