
Class represents the PDF operators.

public abstract class OperatorWriter : Resource
Public MustInherit Class OperatorWriter
    Inherits Resource

Inheritance: ObjectResourceOperatorWriter

Derived: PageWriter

Licensing Info

This class is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


DimensionsGets the dimensions of the current area.
DocumentGets the Document object the page writer belongs to.
DocumentWriterGets the DocumentWriter object the page writer is currently drawing to.
RequiredPdfObjectsGets the number of PDF objects required by the Symbol font.
ResourceTypeGets the type of resource.
(Inherited from Resource)
UidGets the unique ID of the resource.
(Inherited from Resource)


Draw(DocumentWriter)Draws the resource to the given DocumentWriter object.
(Inherited from Resource)
Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ResetDimensions()Resets the coordinate space for the current area.
SetCharacterSpacing(Single)Sets the character spacing for text on the page.
SetDimensionsRotate(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Transforms the coordinate space for the current area.
SetDimensionsRotate(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Transforms the coordinate space for the current area.
SetDimensionsScale(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Transforms the coordinate space for the current area.
SetDimensionsShift(Single, Single, Single, Single)Transforms the coordinate space for the current area.
SetDimensionsSimpleRotate(Single, Single, Single)Transforms the coordinate space for the current area.
SetDimensionsSimpleRotate(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Transforms the coordinate space for the current area.
SetDimensionsTransform(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Transforms the coordinate space for the current area.
SetDimensionsTransform(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Transforms the coordinate space for the current area.
SetFillColor(Color)Sets the fill color for the page.
SetFont(Font, Single)Sets the font and font size for text on the page.
SetGraphicsMode()Sets the page to graphics mode.
SetHorizontalScaling(Single)Sets the horizontal scaling for text on the page.
SetLeading(Single)Sets the leading for text on the page.
SetLineCap(LineCap)Sets the line cap style for paths on the page.
SetLineJoin(LineJoin)Sets the line join style for paths on the page.
SetLineStyle(LineStyle)Sets the line style for the page.
SetLineWidth(Single)Sets the line width for the page.
SetMiterLimit(Single)Sets the miterLimit for paths on the page.
SetRelativeToState(RelativeTo, Boolean)Assigns the relative position for placement of the page element on the page.
SetStrokeColor(Color)Sets the stoke color for the page.
SetTextDefaults()Sets the text properties render mode, character space, word space, horizontal scale, and text rise to the defaults.
SetTextMode()Sets the page to text mode.
SetTextRenderingMode(TextRenderingMode)Sets text rendering mode for text on the page.
SetTextRise(Single)Sets text rise for text on the page.
SetWordSpacing(Single)Sets the word spacing for text on the page.
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
Write(Byte[])Writes a byte array to the page.
Write(Byte[], Int32)Writes a portion of a byte array to the page.
Write(Byte[], Int32, Int32)Writes a portion of a byte array to the page.
Write(Int32)Writes an integer to the page.
Write(Single)Writes a floating point number to the page.
WriteColorValue(Byte)Writes an color value to the page.
WriteName(Byte)Writes a byte to the page.
WriteName(Byte[])Writes a byte array to the page.
WriteNewLine()Writes a new line to the page.
WritePair(Single, Single)Writes a pair of numbers to the page.
WritePoint(Single, Single)Writes a point to the page adjusted to PDF coordinates.
WritePointX(Single)Writes an X coordinate to the page adjusted to the PDF coordinate.
WritePointY(Single)Writes an X coordinate to the page adjusted to the PDF coordinate.
WriteSpace()Writes a space to the page.
Write_B()Writes a PDF "B" operator to the page.
Write_BI()Writes a PDF "BI" operator to the page.
Write_BT()Writes a PDF "BT" operator to the page.
Write_Bx()Writes a PDF "B*" operator to the page.
Write_bx_()Writes a PDF "b*" operator to the page.
Write_b_()Writes a PDF "b" operator to the page.
Write_c(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "c" operator to the page.
Write_cm(Single)Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page.
Write_cm(Single, Single)Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page.
Write_cm(Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page.
Write_cm(Single, Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page.
Write_cm(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "cm" operator to the page.
Write_d(Int32, Int32)Writes a PDF "d" operator to the page.
Write_d(LineStyle)Writes a PDF "d" operator to the page.
Write_Do(Resource)Abstract method for writing "DO" operator to the page.
Write_DQuote(Single, Single, Char[], Int32, Int32, Boolean)Writes a PDF Double Quote (""") operator to the page.
Write_EI()Writes a PDF "EI" operator to the page.
Write_ET()Writes a PDF "ET" operator to the page.
Write_f()Writes a PDF "f" operator to the page.
Write_fx()Writes a PDF "f*" operator to the page.
Write_G(Grayscale)Writes a PDF "G" operator to the page.
Write_g_(Grayscale)Writes a PDF "g" operator to the page.
Write_h()Writes a PDF "h" operator to the page.
Write_ID()Writes a PDF "ID" operator to the page.
Write_J(LineCap)Writes a PDF "J" operator to the page.
Write_j_(LineJoin)Writes a PDF "j" operator to the page.
Write_K(CmykColor)Writes a PDF "K" operator to the page.
Write_k_(CmykColor)Writes a PDF "k" operator to the page.
Write_l_(Single, Single)Writes a PDF "l" operator to the page.
Write_M(Single)Writes a PDF "M" operator to the page.
Write_m_(Single, Single)Writes a PDF "m" operator to the page.
Write_n()Writes a PDF "n" operator to the page.
Write_Q()Writes a PDF "Q" operator to the page. PageWriterState is not restored.
Write_Q(Boolean)Writes a PDF "G" operator to the page.
Write_q_()Writes a PDF "q" operator to the page. PageWriterState is not stored.
Write_q_(Boolean)Writes a PDF "q" operator to the page.
Write_re(Single, Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "re" operator to the page.
Write_RG(RgbColor)Writes a PDF "RG" operator to the page.
Write_rg_(RgbColor)Writes a PDF "rg" operator to the page.
Write_S()Writes a PDF "S" operator to the page.
Write_SQuote(Char[], Int32, Int32, Boolean)Writes a PDF Single Quote ("'") operator to the page.
Write_s_()Writes a PDF "s" operator to the page.
Write_Tc(Single)Writes a PDF "Tc" operator to the page.
Write_TD(Single, Single)Writes a PDF "TD" operator to the page.
Write_Td_(Single, Single)Writes a PDF "Td" operator to the page.
Write_Tf(Font, Single)Writes a PDF "Tf" operator to the page.
Write_TJ(Char[], Int32, Int32, Single, Boolean)Writes a PDF "TJ" operator to the page.
Write_Tj_(Char[], Boolean)Writes a PDF "Tj" operator to the page.
Write_Tj_(Char[], Int32, Int32, Boolean)Writes a PDF "Tj" operator to the page.
Write_TJ_Close()Closes the opened TJ array.
Write_TJ_Open()Opens array for writting TJ operator.
Write_TJ_SpaceLength(Int32)Writes Space length in between two chars.
Write_TJ_Text(Char[], Int32, Int32, Boolean)Writes the given text inside the TJ array. Required to open TJ array.
Write_TL(Single)Writes a PDF "TL" operator to the page.
Write_Tm(Single, Single)Writes a PDF "Tm" operator to the page.
Write_Tm(Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "Tm" operator to the page.
Write_Tm(Single, Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "Tm" operator to the page.
Write_Tm(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "Tm" operator to the page.
Write_Tr(TextRenderingMode)Writes a PDF "Tr" operator to the page.
Write_Ts(Single)Writes a PDF "Ts" operator to the page.
Write_Tw(Single)Writes a PDF "Tw" operator to the page.
Write_Tx()Writes a PDF "Tx" operator to the page.
Write_Tz(Single)Writes a PDF "Tz" operator to the page.
Write_v(Single, Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "v" operator to the page.
Write_W()Writes a PDF "W" operator to the page.
Write_Wx()Writes a PDF "W*" operator to the page.
Write_w_(Single)Writes a PDF "w" operator to the page.
Write_y(Single, Single, Single, Single)Writes a PDF "y" operator to the page.

See Also


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