
Converts Html to Pdf

public abstract class Converter
Public MustInherit Class Converter

Inheritance: ObjectConverter

Licensing Info

This class is a DynamicPDF HTML Converter feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


ChromiumProcessArgsGets or sets additional command-line arguments for google-chrome/chromium.
ChromiumProcessPathGets or sets the full path to the google-chrome/chromium executable (including the name of executable). Setting this property is mandatory in the case of a Linux-based machine. On Windows, set this property to use locally installed chrome/chromium.
TemporaryDirectoryGets or sets the temporary directory path


AddLicense(String)Adds a license key.
Convert(String, String, [Optional] Uri, [Optional] ConversionOptions)Initializes a new instance of the HtmlConverter class.
Convert(String, [Optional] Uri, [Optional] ConversionOptions)Initializes a new instance of the HtmlConverter class.
Convert(Uri, [Optional] ConversionOptions)Initializes a new instance of the HtmlConverter class.
Convert(Uri, String, [Optional] ConversionOptions)Initializes a new instance of the HtmlConverter class.
ConvertAsync(String, String, [Optional] Uri, [Optional] ConversionOptions)Does the Asynchronous conversion
ConvertAsync(String, [Optional] Uri, [Optional] ConversionOptions)Does the Asynchronous conversion
ConvertAsync(Uri, [Optional] ConversionOptions)Does the Asynchronous conversion
ConvertAsync(Uri, String, [Optional] ConversionOptions)Does the Asynchronous conversion
Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ReleaseResources()Releases all cache setup for faster conversions in order to gain memory and storage space.
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)


Converter.LoadedOccurs after HTML string or URL has been loaded and ready for conversion.

See Also


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