ceTe.DynamicPDF.Conversion Namespace


AsyncConversionObsolete. Represents an asynchronous conversion process.
AsyncConverterObsolete. Represents a asynchronised conversion.
ConversionCompletedEventArgsProvided data for ConversionCompleted event.
ConversionErrorEventArgsProvides data for the ConversionError event.
ConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods for conversion options.
ConvertedEventArgsProvides data for the Converted event.
ConverterRepresents a synchronized conversion.Defines method and properties for Conversion.
ExcelConversionOptionsDefines properies and methods that are neeeded for Excel conversions.
ExcelConverterDefines methods and properties for the ExcelConverter.
ExcelDocumentParsingEventArgsProvides the Worksheets data for the ExcelDocumentParsing event
ExcelPageScalingContains all the properties and methods for Excel page scaling
ExcelPageSizeRepresents the PageSize for the Excel
ExcelWorksheetRepresents Excel worksheet
ExcelWorksheetConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for a Excel Workseet Conversion
FitExcelPageScalingRepresents all the properties and methods that are needed to change the excel page size to fit the page
HandoutOutputTypeRepresents a Handout output type in PowerPoint conversion.
HtmlConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for a Html Conversion
HtmlConverterDefines methods and properties for the HTMLConverter.
ImageConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for a Image Conversion
ImageConverterDefines methods and properties for the ImageConverter.
LicensingExceptionRepresents a licensing exception.
LogConfigStores information about how logging will be done or not done at all.
NotePagesOutputTypeUse Note Pages style of publishing options as per the PowerPoint PDF export options.
OutlineViewOutputTypeUse Outline style of publishing options as per the PowerPoint PDF export options.
PageRangeSpecifies PageRange.
PowerPointConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for a Powerpoint Conversion
PowerPointConverterDefines methods and properties for the PowerPointConverter.
PowerPointOutputTypeRepresents different types of Powerpoint slide types to be converted to Pdf
PowerPointSlideRangeRepresents a range of slides to convert.
ProgressChangedEventArgsProvides data for the ProgressChanged event.
RtfConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for Rtf Conversion
RtfConverterDefines methods and properties for the RtfConverter.
SlideOutputTypeUse Slides style of publishing options as per the PowerPoint PDF export options.
TextConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for Text Conversion
TextConverterDefines methods and properties for the TextConverter.
TiffConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for a Tiff Conversion
UnitConverterRepresents the unit conversion.
VisioConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for a Visio Conversion
VisioConverterDefines methods and properties for the VisioConverter.
WordConversionOptionsDefines properties and methods that are needed for a Word Conversion
WordConverterDefines methods and properties for the WordConverter.
ZoomExcelPageScalingRepresents the ZoomExcelPageScaling for the ExcelPageScaling.


ConversionStatusEnumerates the ConversionStatus.
ConvertSheetsRepresents kind of worksheets to include in convertion.
HandoutPrintOrderUse Handout style of publishing options as per the PowerPoint PDF export options.
ImageAlignmentImage Alignment
LogIdentifierCategorizes the source of any log entry.
LogLevelDefines the severity of the log entry.
PageOrientationSpecifies page orientation.
PageSizeSpecifies page size.
PaperKindRepresents kinds of paper sizes by their names.
SlidesPerPageRepresents number of slides per page.
WordBookmarksTypeRepresents the type of bookmarks from word document for convertion to PDF bookmarks.
WordOptimizeForRepresents the type of bookmarks from word document for convertion to PDF bookmarks.


ConversionCompletedRepresents the method that will handle the ConversionCompleted event.
ConversionErrorEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle the Converter ConversionError event of the Converter.
ConvertedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle the Converter Converted event of the ConversionManager.
ExcelDocumentParsingEvent occurs to enumerating the Excel Worksheets with related information.
LoggerDelegateRepresents a method which will write a log entry to log target.
ProgressChangedProgressChanged Event Handler

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