GS1 DataBar
The GS1 DataBar family contains three types of linear symbologies used with the GS1 system.
- The first type has four variations (GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1 DataBar Stacked and GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional). The stacked variations are two-row symbols.
- The second type comprises only one variation, namely GS1 DataBar Limited.
- The third type has two variations: a single row variation (GS1 DataBar Expanded) and a multi-row stacked variation (GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked).
GS1 DataBar use should comply with the GS1 application guidelines as defined in the GS1 General Specifications.
GS1 DataBar
The GS1DataBar class creates the single row linear barcodes. Because the barcode is smaller in size than the other GS1 DataBar versions, there is no Truncated type given and users set the height required. The following example illustrates.
GS1DataBar barcode = new GS1DataBar("(01)9889876543210", 100, GS1DataBarType.OmniDirectional);
barcode.Draw(pngFilePath, 300, ImageFormat.Png);
Dim barcode As GS1DataBar = New GS1DataBar("(01)9889876543210", 100, GS1DataBarType.OmniDirectional)
barcode.Draw(pngFilePath, 300, ImageFormat.Png)
Stacked GS1 DataBar
The Stacked GS1 DataBar creates a stacked versions (Stacked, Stacked Omnidirectional and Expanded Stacked) of the GS1 DataBar barcode. DynamicBarcode Creator supports the Stacked GS1 DataBar via the StackedGS1DataBar class, as the following example illustrates.
StackedGS1DataBar barcode = new StackedGS1DataBar("(01)9889876543210", 50, StackedGS1DataBarType.StackedOmnidirectional);
barcode.Draw(pngFilePath, 300, ImageFormat.Png);
Dim barcode As StackedGS1DataBar = New StackedGS1DataBar("(01)9889876543210", 50, StackedGS1DataBarType.StackedOmnidirectional)
barcode.Draw(pngFilePath, 300, ImageFormat.Png)