Code 3 of 9
Code 39 is also known as Code 3 of 9. It is a variable length, discrete barcode symbology that encodes uppercase letters (A to Z), numeric digits (0 to 9), and seven special characters (-, ., $, /, +, %, and space). Code 3 of 9 supports the encoding of all ASCII 128 characters. The Code39 class represents the Code 3 of 9 implementation in DynamicBarcode Creator. The following example illustrates.
Code39 barcode = new Code39("123456789", 100);
barcode.Draw(pngFilePath, 300, ImageFormat.Png);
Dim barcode As Code39 = New Code39("123456789", 100)
barcode.Draw(pngFilePath, 300, ImageFormat.Png)