Australia Post
The Australia Post barcode (AustraliaPost class), used by Australia Post to sort mail, is called a 4-state barcode. The barcode comprises four types of bars (states), each identified by a name and a value.
- Tracker with ascender and descender (H, Value : 0)
- Tracker with ascender (A, Value: 1)
- Tracker with descender (D, Value 2)
- Tracker (T,Value 3)
Barcode data consists of FCC, DPID, and Customer information. The FCC is a two-digit number that identifies the type of barcode. The DPID is an eight-digit number that uniquely identifies a physical point to which Australia Post delivers mail.
The AustraliaPost class in DynamicBarcode Creator represents the Australia Post barcode. The following code illustrates.
AustraliaPost barcode = new AustraliaPost("1139549554");
barcode.Draw(pngFilePath, 300, ImageFormat.Png);
Dim barcode As AustraliaPost = New AustraliaPost("1139549554")
barcode.Draw(pngFilePath, 300, ImageFormat.Png)
Customer Information
The AustraliaPostEncodingType property specifies the encoding table used to encode customer data. Customer information stores a customer’s data and is available in Customer barcode two and Customer barcode three types. Customer information can encode upper case characters (A to Z), lower case characters (a to z), digits (0 to 9), and special characters (space and a #).