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DynamicPDF Generator for Java supports 6 common image types:
- JPEGs are handled natively through a highly efficient pass through process.
- WMFs are converted to a bitmap for inclusion in a PDF document.
- PNGs are handled natively. If the PNG does not have an alpha channel (transperancy), it uses a highly efficient pass through process. If the PNG does have an alpha channel it is parsed and reformatted for inclusion in a PDF document.
- JPEG 2000
- JPEG 2000s are handled natively through a highly efficient pass through process.
- GIFs are handled natively, but are parsed and reformatted for inclusion in a PDF document.
- TIFFs are handled natively and most types of TIFFs (LZW being the exception) use a highly efficient pass through process. Multi-page Tiffs are supported, allowing access to any page in a TIFF document.
See Also