Colors are handled by a Color base class. Colors can be of the following types:
These colors can be used with many of the Page Element objects. RGB and Web colors can be used with the Outline and Bookmark Objects.
- CMYK - Specified with C, M, Y, and K color values
- RGB - Specified with R, G, and B color values
- Web - Specified with the Web color format (i.e. "#FF0080" or "aqua")
- Grayscale - Specified as a level of gray
- Gradient - Specified with two colors of the same type
- Spot Color - Specifies a tint (shading) of a spot color ink
Examples for creating color objects:
CmykColor cmykColor1 = new CmykColor( 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.6f, 0.0f );
CmykColor cmykColor2 = new CmykColor( 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.2f );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 100, 100, 40, cmykColor1, cmykColor2 ) );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 150, 100, 40, CmykColor.getBlack(), CmykColor.getRed() ) );
RgbColor rgbColor1 = new RgbColor( 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.6f );
RgbColor rgbColor2 = new RgbColor( 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.2f );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 100, 100, 40, rgbColor1, rgbColor2 ) );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 150, 100, 40, RgbColor.getBlack(), RgbColor.getRed() ) );
WebColor webColor1 = new WebColor( "#FF0080" );
WebColor webColor2 = new WebColor( "aqua" );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 100, 100, 40, webColor1, webColor2 ) );
Grayscale grayscale1 = new Grayscale( 0.3f );
Grayscale grayscale2 = new Grayscale( 0.6f );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 100, 100, 40, grayscale1, grayscale2 ) );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 150, 100, 40, Grayscale.getWhite(), Grayscale.getBlack() ) );
Gradient gradient1 = new Gradient( 0, 0, 200, 200, Grayscale.getWhite(), Grayscale.getBlack());
Gradient gradient2 = new Gradient( 50, 0, 250, 200, RgbColor.getYellowGreen(), RgbColor.getDarkMagenta());
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 100, 100, 40, gradient1, gradient1 ) );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 150, 100, 40, gradient2, gradient2 ) );
CmykColor alternateColor = new CmykColor( 0.2f, 0.9f, 0.5f, 0.2f );
SpotColorInk ink = new SpotColorInk( "My Red", alternateColor );
SpotColor tint100 = new SpotColor( 1, ink );
SpotColor tint50 = new SpotColor( 0.5f, ink );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 100, 100, 40, tint50, tint50 ) );
page.getElements().add( new Circle( 150, 100, 40, tint100, tint100 ) );
The color class includes over 140 predefined colors accessed through the static property of the Color class by color name. These names correspond with the colors commonly used in web development. These can also be specified by name in the constructor of the WebColor class or from within a FormattedTextArea.