Class FormattedTextAreaStyle

Example: The following example shows a paragraph of Formatted formatted text being displayed on the page

 import com.cete.dynamicpdf.*;
 import com.cete.dynamicpdf.pageelements.*;
 public class MyClass{
       public static void main(String args[]){
           // Create a PDF Document
           Document document = new Document();
           // Create a Page and add it to the document
           Page page = new Page();
           // Create an Formatted style
           FormattedTextAreaStyle style = new FormattedTextAreaStyle(FontFamily.getHelvetica(), 12, false);
           // Create the text and the Formatted text area
           String formattedText = "<p>Formatted text area provide rich formatting support for text that " + 
           "appears in the document. You have complete control over 8 paragraph properties: " + 
           "spacing before, spacing after, first line indentation, left indentation, right " + 
           "indentation, alignment, allowing orphan lines, and white space preservation; 6 " + 
           "font properties: <font face='Times'>font face, </font><font " + 
           "pointSize='6'>font size, </font><font color='FF0000'>color, " + 
           "</font><b>bold, </b><i>italic and </i><u>" + 
           "underline</u> and 2 line properties: leading, and leading type. Text can " + 
           "also be rotated.</p>"; 
           FormattedTextArea formattedTextArea = new FormattedTextArea(formattedText, 0, 0, 256, 400, style);
           // Add the Formatted text area to the page
           // Save the PDF