attachment files

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FireMail for .NET (v1) Forum

 Apr 04 2012 1:33 PM

I used firemail to send mail with attachment files. I have 6 files for a total of 2.32 Mo and I got error on this line:

The error message is:
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.Parameter name: size

The code look like that:
Dim ptMessage As New HtmlMessage("", "REQUETE_TEST #", strMessage)
For Each fil In d.GetFiles()
Next fil

Is there a limitation on the number of file that we can attach to mail?

Thank you,

Emilie Meunier
 Apr 04 2012 4:46 PM
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator
Hello Emilie,

The FireMail does not place any limitation on the file size, as long as you mail server does not have a limit on the total attachment size you should be able to send attachments. In our testing we were able to send attachments of total size of up to 5MB. Please try using the latest build of FireMail by downloading it from the customer area. If you keep getting this error even after using the latest build, please send over the code and attachments to so we can investigate this further.

ceTe Software Support Team.

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